Monday night, we adults were sitting watching our shows, with Cinnamon on my lap. I hugged him and said we had to tuck Josephine in. Down we went. Safely tucked in, Cinnamon stayed on the bed with Jos. This is an oldish photo, but happy boy, he is. Isabelle is sleeping in her office!
Tuesday Morning
I slept in. Grampa woke me up at 7:30. I was awake for a couple of hours at bedtime. Speaking of being late... Then, when the school bus was ready to leave, Isabelle was sitting on the throne reading! She missed the bus! She was only late by a minute!
All this is keeping me busy. It's a good tired. I'm down 2.1 kg.
9:55 a.m. – I came upstairs after my workout and checked in on my students. I had to print off a worksheet for Josephine, she sends it to me in message as I cannot get her laptop to print from our wireless printer. Pythagorean Theorem! These are worksheets found online.
"Yep, algebra!"
"OOh, I love algebra! Can I do your work for you?"
"Nope, I love algebra."
Wood frogs
Jos and I went down to the trailcam. We saw the wood frogs. This is the earliest I remember seeing them.
- April 10, 2017 It's a busy pond!
- April 15, 2016 On my way to the pond...
- April 18, 2014 Daisy and I took a walk down to the frog pond
- April 19, 2013 Tree frogs and wood frogs are singing in the wetland
Our area has a three-year-old lost on Canoe Lake Rd., we've driven there many times [Apr. 7th => Canoe Lake Rd.]. It's forested, with poor phone signals. There is a fishing camp, and he'd wandered off. It reminds me to enjoy each day. It could get worse. The OPP have drones, heat sensing equipment, and canine sniffers. Volunteers are showing up, unwanted, blocking the roads and leading the dogs in the wrong direction.
Hold your children close.