Tuesday 31 March 2020

Marching into town

The library was to close as the warning signs of COVID–19 were there, so we hustled in to pick up some books on March 13th. I figured I'd best post this now! We've had a busy few weeks. We have the girls back today till Friday.

After scoring books, we went to lunch for the last time!

I like this wall!

What is wrong with this picture?

The Big Rideau is almost thawed.

Our ice isn't out yet, but it is getting close. It's too early for the chorus frogs. I've heard spring peepers, but the chorus frogs are our target. It has to be above 10 C., wind below 20 km/h, and no ice. Maybe Friday!

Chorus frogs typically breed in vernal ponds, like ours, which means with different conditions, different habitats may or may not have water. This year is a good year, I think. We've had lots of rain, if not snow melt.

Monday 30 March 2020

Spring is coming!

This is the garden I planted last fall. I keep watching it! It has melted, at least

Guess who is in the frog pond?

Clip0 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Song sparrow, a sure sign of spring.

Clip1 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Nutmeg had an interesting feeding strategy. Note the side eye, as she gave me that, "Don't take my picture." look.

As well as all that is going on, we have a flood watch in our area. We shall see what happens this year. The water is quite high right now. This photo is from a previous year.

It rained all day, and is raining today. We even had a thunderstorm! There were power outages, too.

How rainy was it? 
Even the dock spiders are coming in out of the rain.
I caught it with the bug catcher, tried to release it and it climbed on my camera strap.

Reality COVID–19

Even places like New Zealand are affected, right Jean?

We're going to learn a lot about the spread of disease. Canada has tested over 200,000 people. Quebec is more cavalier about it than Ontario. Ontario's population is higher than Quebec's, yet they have double our cases. Lots of RVs have returned to their province, and stories abound of non-isolation.

Stories abound... First Nations are complaining, rightly so, the stupidity and ignorance of white people!

Rider seriously hurt in ATV collision

Several ATVs had been travelling together, but one rider lost control of his machine and it rolled over, ejecting the victim. March 27.

This just shocks me. It shouldn't, since I've been hearing fleets of motorcycles passing on the highway. Ontario has a new law forbidding groups of 5 or more during COVID–19.

We'll end on good news:

One of the most unique things about Canada's response to #COVID19 is how it's being led mostly by women. Canada's Chief Medical Officer, the Deputy PM, and the top doctors for several provinces and cities (Toronto/Vancouver) are all women.
Canadians see them everyday.
🇨🇦 pic.twitter.com/EiT58UFah7
— Muhammad Lila (@MuhammadLila) March 28, 2020

Sunday 29 March 2020

We took a drive: frog hunting!

I have signed up for a Western chorus frog survey. I've spotted them, well heard them, in two locations. Here in our frog pond, and on Code Road.
Pseudacris triseriata.jpg
You'd know them if you heard them, you can hear it on my video. They are unique. They sound like someone playing with a comb.

Chorus frog on Code Road

My plan is to take the girls out to listen for them next week. We'll see how that works out. There are those dissing others for driving about. I'm not sure why. You're enclosed in a car! One dude out east in Newfoundland [@stan_sdcollins] takes amazing photos and has vowed to stop doing that due to complaints by trolls.

The researchers looked at my area, and determined from satellite images where I'm to look. (What could go wrong?!) I told them two spots I know of, our frog pond and Code Rd., but there you go.

JB and I took a drive to visit the two areas where I'm to look, um, listen. There were several people out walking. It's too cold, right now. It needs to be above 10˚ C. for me to hear them. It was sunny, and 8˚  or 9˚  C. where I was looking. I've now got an idea of my two assigned locations. Site 300 and site 301, they are named.

The horses were a bonus!

There is still ice on the lake, but it'll go soon.

Our colds are better, which is a relief. It is pouring rain today. Yuck. SPlatty cold rain.

I hope you all are safe and sound. I keep seeing surprises on my trailcam!

Isabelle from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Saturday 28 March 2020

Gramma Camp Week 2.4

We started the day off with a bang. Isabelle was resurrecting the fire and set off the smoke detector!
We've all done it, we assured her!

We did an overview, and figured out we covered a lot of curriculum subjects!

We have had quick communication with parents, the girls Facetime and text them, too. Both their parents are working from home on respective laptops! Jos snitched and told momma that Izzy had Bumberry pie and a cookie for breakfast yesterday. We're going to have to work hard on that one! They both had toast for breakfast.

JB took them to the rendezvous point for the hostage exchange Friday morning. Momma met them there.
 It's quiet here. We went for a drive yesterday afternoon. More on that later.

Momma sent me a note. On Wednesday, Isabelle's Girl Guide Troup leader is doing a virtual Zoom meeting online. We'll see if that works out. I do regular teleconferences with my ODPRN group.

It's awful in many places. I know we are really lucky here. This NY Times article says:
"A kind of pandemic caste system is rapidly developing: the rich holed up in vacation properties; the middle class marooned at home with restless children; the working class on the front lines of the economy..if there is even work to be had."
Rural mayors are complaining about cottagers. At least in B.C., Canada, we are flattening the curve. Good thing. Our local hospital has one ventilator. The city hospitals have many more.

The US Administration didn't take it seriously in January. Citizens weren't warned and didn't take any precautions. People are paying for private testing and for $80,000 one can get treatment and care options. Thankfully, we have universal healthcare in Canada.

We've still got people overseas. There are 248 Canadians on the cruise ship Zaandam, at sea for 20 days unable to find a port. Four passengers have died, and 130 have flu-like symptoms. There are 1,243 guests, and 586 crew. I think big business has much to be accountable for, sending people off in these germ factories. I feel the worst for the poorly paid staff.

Four passengers dead on cruise ship anchored off Panama ...

The Zaandam departed Buenos Aires, Argentina, on March 7. The ship was trying to get to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, after being denied permission to dock at its original destination of San Antonio, Chile a week ago. The cruise line said no one had been off the ship since March 14 in Punta Arenas, Chile.
People are crying and pleading for help online to news agencies, but they simply do not understand that countries have their own quarantine laws, and have closed borders and/or airfields, and our government is having trouble as foreign governments have their own issues. Plus, airlines are laying off staff.

There are quite a few flight attendants with COVID–19. They have been amazing. PSWs are caring for clients without proper PPE.

JB is off to pick up our grocery order. There is about a week's delay, as they are overwhelmed. There were substitutions! BLess their hearts for staff doing this for us all. There are so many heroes on the front lines.

Out the front window, Maggie and 3 deer plus numerous turkeys were there.

Snow and/or rain on the way. Sigh.

Buckle up, buttercups, it's gonna be a long ride! We'll get through it, for sure. Likely not unscathed. There are lots of lessons to be learned. All the best.