Tuesday 30 April 2019

Maplefest 2019

Flooding in Ontario

We continue to have flooding along the Ottawa River, I've been keeping track. One million sandbags have been filled across the city. The Lemieux water plant is at risk, the troops have been sandbagging it. We've 700 troops and 2000 volunteers working to put in sandbags. Firefighters are doing wellness checks by boat to see how people are doing. 

The stress of citizens is palpable. People stand to lose septic systems and wells, most of those affected by floods are rural villages.
Back to our regularly scheduled program.

Maplefest: Saturday, April 27th

We popped in to the Maple Festival in Perth. It didn't look promising, rain splats on the window on the drive in.

This looks like a perfect infill. The previous house burned down awhile past, and these look like apartments. We need housing.

Check the clouds!

The Olivers always have a bake sale for their church. They brought their newly-carved bear, as well!

We had BBQ'd sausages for brunch! JB ate his on the spot. It took mine home, as I was dropping onions!

It was a good turnout, considering the weather. Chilly enough.

We met the new Green Party candidate, Steve Kotze, in the beige coat.

For a good cause, JB bought a raffle ticket on a TV.