My kids, long ago! Both of them are now parents! |
We do this by living in the present moment. We live mindfully, enjoying every day. I just saw a couple of interviews with a former professional curler, Colleen Jones –who faced bacterial meningitis and has written a book about it, and has come to the same conclusions that we have.
Frosty's outfit |
We find things that interest us. My blog, for example, even though hubby doesn't read it, I like to write it. I know two of my three adult children read it to find out what we are up to! I've made a lot of virtual friends, and have met a few in person. Walkies with cats. Lunch out.
We don't mind the cold or snow, as some do, and complain bitterly. We were eyeing a new snowblower Friday. With a 100m drive-way you just have to have the right tools and the right clothes! We love the changes in weather. October is a fun month with Thanksgiving and
Friday, I asked hubby to take me out for some drive-by shootings. I've been watching a building being built, new and film when it is finished! But, also, the Hallowe'en decorations. They are fun. After school, a few of the blow-up ones were inflated. I am not a good enough photographer to do them at night. I love the pumpkins, mostly. The deflated 'decorations' hubby says look like jellied aliens.
What I love about an old city, like Perth (1816), are the really old buildings lend themselves to the old, creepy haunted house look! With their old, big porches, there is lots of space for creativity. The rural homes have as much fun using up lawn space!