🌨 JULY 2024

For annual ❄️ WEATHER DATA  <= over the years.

🌪Wednesday, July 24

Look what rolled in during the day! A big storm, as well as rain. It gave us 10 mm (o.4"). But it wasn't over!

We had nuked our dinners, and settled in for TV. Having gut-wrenching coughing, and using my new puffer every hour and a half or two hours, we were distracting ourselves watching Cold Case. Joe had to pause while I hacked up phlegm. I know he feels so badly! There is nothing anyone can do. For a new distraction...

Yes, tornado warning!  I grabbed our medications, water, puffer, Cinnamon, laptop & iPad, iPhone, and headed for the basement. We've a cinder block foundation and I felt safe there. 
The rain hammered down. Winds blew. 

Nutmeg followed us downstairs, I went back up to bring Cinnamon down. They started chasing one another. She went behind the couch, he jumped up beside me. She jumped up and grabbed his bum. As if we needed more entertainment!

I posted our photos to the family stream, just in case anything happened. Texted with my friend in Timmons, trying to laugh about it. One of Jesse's friends Messaged me, to see if we were OK.. It was very comforting!

The sound of the wind, the rain hammering down on the chimney cover, wind, thunder and lightning. Wow.
We watched the lightning radar, as well as the weather radar. 

Power outages nearby. Our lights were flickering. It didn't actually go off so that we had to reset clocks. 

We didn't get any sort of All Clear from Environment Canada, and this was the best way to figure out if we were good to go back upstairs. I checked the rain gauge and we had another 14mm (0.55"). 

Power outages this morning...

The "Gap" is closing- connecting 2 areas of heavy thunderstorm -It will connect shortly, and be one continuous line of storms (using the spatial tool, it has the line ~420 km. long #onwx #onstorm pic.twitter.com/wfJ9fGPZec

— Ron (MR W"R"X)🌪🏎 (@mrwx4caster) July 24, 2024

Our total rainfall for the day was 24mm (about an inch). What a day! Let's hope for a quiet one.

Just down the road, a kilometre away. Bass Lake.

A tornado has been confirmed at Rideau Ferry. 

Tuesday, July 25

We had a storm at 7:00 a.m. Tuesday. I was so excited. What did we get? Only 3 mm, with a high temperature of 30℃. It's been hot. Dag nabbit. There is a possibility of tornados this evening. Oh sure!

July 8
Heat warnings in 8 provinces and NWT.
July 6 – hail!


1 comment:

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Jenn, caught up on your posts now. I can ditto most things here. The heat was awful, wasn’t it. And now so much cooler again. But everything in the garden is growing and birds and hummers are humming. Still something hanging over our heads as the numbers continue to rise here in On. Do you have many trilliums on your property? Glad you two are walking.