Saturday 31 December 2011

How to make feline friends

Our sweet granddaughters are impulsive. No questions. At ages 20 mos. and 4 years, it's hard to have self-control.
Buster and Felix, my 9 month-old twin kittens, are getting used to them. Tons of treats help.
I gave Isabelle the jar of cat treats. Her sister was busy with other things. We were babysitting while Mummy and Papa were at Mummy's office Christmas party!
I love you, Felix!

You too, Buster!
She understands the idea of a toy on a stick!

I gave Isabelle the jar of cat treats.
Felix gave her much attention!

Scraping the bottom of the jar!

Even Buster began to get closer.

"Do you love me, Buster?"
Here we are: Camera Critters #195!Camera Critters

Thursday 29 December 2011

Skywatching sunset

After rain, freezing rain, and a lovely dump of snow, the skies cleared by sunset.

Skywatch Friday: Season 5, Episode 25

Hard to get good help these days!

It's been hard to watch the skies as we've had some cloudy days. Buster & Felix decided to help me shovel snow.

Buster chickened out. He stayed indoors.
It was pretty cold and windy.

I did the sidewalk, slushy snow/ice under 5 cm of snow.
Winter is here with a bang.
Felix looked at the snow-covered driveway.

He couldn't believe it!

He roared onto the snowy driveway,
then onto the lawn,
then pretended to climb a tree.
Felix wasn't much help. He went to the door, and asked to go in and I lost me helper. He isn't amused by the noisy snowblower!

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Freedom Shifty-five! What a party!

And from my Dec. 26th birthday party!
big hugs!
From Josephine's Dec. 9th birthday!

Cat walkies in the snow!

Looks like the coyote has done a walk-through
Another morning walk with my twins in the forest. The snow, now about 10 cm, tells wonderful stories.
The Point – dead ends, as it is surrounded by wetland.
Now I can't make it to the end!
First we walked down to The Point. More work for me. A tree has fallen over. I'll have to get rid of that.
Too many distractions: sights, smells, sounds!
Buster & Felix come walkies
Even the coyote has to inspect the mouse hole.
The tracks are partially covered in snow.

Monday 26 December 2011

Winter is here!

Crazy old Felix goes into the grassy knoll for mice friends.

I managed to get the drive cleared. Hooray for the snowblower. It only took me three tries to get the sucker started.


Jennifer: USAGE: Welsh Mythology
Meaning & History
From the Norman French form of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar, composed of the elements gwen meaning "fair, white" and hwyfar meaning "smooth".
The Cornish form of this name, Jennifer, has become popular in the English-speaking world.

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Occasionally, I will place ads for products or services in which I believe. Profits will be donated to, where I volunteer.
Contact me for details: jennifer.jilks (at)
Reproduction of materials on this site, including photos and graphics, in whole or in part, is prohibited without permission.

Read more about Perth.

Ontario, Canada.
Watch the Franktown radar for Ottawa weather.


The world breaks everyone,
and afterward,
some are strong at the broken places.
–Ernest Hemingway

Many things in my life could have broken me.
I am strong when I see my granddaughter play with her crayons.

Sunday 25 December 2011

Memories of Christmas and a poem

Coyote? Wolf?
All is silent, in forest snowed
Wildlife passed, our tracking showed
Grumpy cats, too cold, they mutter
Not content to watch birds flutter
They hunt mice friends under the frost
No wee critters can they accost
Off indoors, their paws ashaking
Happy birds with no more quaking

Under the tree our presents remain
Family's far, we must refrain
Remember well those days of yore
Children's laughter I did adore
wild turkey tracks
Now afar, the children are grown
Hearken well, most did phone!
Volume is up, Messiah plays
Remember well those good old days
Every note I have sung by heart
Concerts plenty we've taken part
Memories poignant they invoke
Modern, classical, to baroque
Candelight services, carols galore
Voices raised in song no more

exhausted after walkies!

Nanny cooks her turkey
(Anne Butt –nee Mallette, 1883 - 1978)
Extended family and parties grand
Turkey dinners Gramma planned
Dysfunctional – no we were not
Cousins arranged, food in the pot
Crackers popped, surprises are spread
Silly hats sat upon the head

New traditions now created
Sadly now Christmas belated
A day alone I shall survive
Tomorrow I turn shifty-five!

Silly hats upon our heads –1970
 Merry Christmas in many languages

Happy Hanukkah
Happy Kwanza
Season's Greetings
and Happy Holidays!!!!!

Wishing you a prosperous new year!
My father always did a lot of Christmas baking
This must have been 1958 or so. 

Christmas, 1980
Me, Caitlin (trying to suck her finger),
Serena (for whom I did Home Day Care)

Christmas, 1979
Caitlin wasn't happy with Santa!

Our 2001 Christmas Tree!

Nanny's family tree