Here are the books I have reviewed for fun. Some have been sent by publicists, others I have bought or borrowed. I've read all of them.
Readers may be divided into four classes:
A. Sponges, who absorb all that they read and return it in nearly the same state, only a little dirtied.
B. Sand-glasses, who retain nothing and are content to get through a book for the sake of getting through the time.
C. Strain-bags, who retain merely the dregs of what they read.
D. Mogul diamonds, equally rare and valuable, who profit by what they read, and enable others to profit by it also.
~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet, critic (1772-1834)
- Aaron, Glen; The Curse of Sacerdozio
- Aaron, Richard; Gauntlet
- Alexander, Devin: You Can Have It (recipe book)
- Alexander, Eva M.; Condos and Condoms (short stories)
- Almond, Paul; The Gunner
- Alt, Jeff; The Adventures of Bubba Jones
- Alton and Craan; My handy little health journal
- Andersen; Fantasyland
- Arden, John: The Brain Bible
- Arneson, Rick; Plotting the Course; Life lessons from the sport of sailing
- Ashby, Kathy; Carol, A Woman's Way
- August, Y.; Coaching For Caregivers
- Barager, R.; The Atheist and the Parrotfish
- Barr, Nevada; 13½, Blood Lure
- Bartleman, James; As Long as the Rivers Flow, Raisin Wine
- Bartley, Allan; The Klu Klux Klan in Canada
- Blachman and Stracher; The Curve
- Blanche, Kathryn; Infiltrated by Demons
- Blatchford, Christie; Fifteen Days
- Bradbury and Karney; Love Me Slender
- Bradley, Eric; Harry Potter Collectibles
- Brennan, Peter; Iceapelago
- Brown, Ron; Vanished Villages Part 1, Post 2 (Non-fiction)
- Brown, Ron; Backroads of Ontario (Non-fiction)
- Carey, Pamela: Elderly Parents With All Their Marbles
- Carlon, Michael; Uncorking a Murder
- Carpenter, J.: No Place to Pray
- Carucci, M.; Sobrietease
- Charters, Cloudia; Aloha: Where You Like Go?
- Cho & Gifford; The Anxious Lawyer (self-help)
- Christofora, Kevin; Amira Can Catch
- Clevenger, S; Greek Mythic History
- Clinton & Penny; State of Terror
- Cobelo, Carolyn E.; Bridge to Beyond
- Consell, R.A.; Stealing From Wizards Excellent trilogy for teens.
- Conway, Martha; Sugarland
- Cook books: gluten-free, paleo, from Robert Rose, Inc.
- Cotton, Larry D; Whiskey and Wickedness
- Crilly, Karin: The Blue Satin Nightgown
- Cuellar, David; Plastic Island (picture book)
- Currie, T. Ottawa Valley's Great Fire of 1870
- Cusumano, J.; Balance
- Davidson, Dr. Elizabeth; Cheery: the Chiricahua leopard frog (Children's picture book)
- Daywalt, Drew; The Day the Crayons Quit
- De Avila, Ed., Spread Thin and Moving Fast: An unlikely story (memoir)
- De Hart, Scott D.; Shelley Unbound: Uncovering Frankenstein's True Creator
- De Santis, Cinazi; The Sense of Darkness
- Delaney, V; Under Cold Stone, (Constable Molly Smith Series)
- DeLapa, Gina; stuff you already know
- Dennis; Anita Katherine; Beyond Myself
- Dickinson, Emily: the Illustrated Emily Dickinson Nature Sketchbook
- Doering, Ron; The Battle of Crysler's Farm
- Dougherty, M.J.; Life Lessons From a Total Failure
- Donovan, Kelly; Police Line – Do Not Cross
- Dr. Seuss; You're Only Old Once
- Dunn, David A.; Get Life Right
- Epp, Alvin; Through The Eyes of Guilt
- Erwin, Travis; Waiting on the River
- Espy, W.R.; Words to Rhyme With (Non-fiction)
- Estes, Kelli; The Girl Who Wrote in Silk
- Even, Aaron; He Comes in Fire
- Eyre, Linda; Grandmothering
- Fallis, Terry; The Best Laid Plans -comedy
- Feder, S; Bitter and Sweet
- Fields, Mara; Weaver's Light
- FitzSimmons, David; Curious Critters, Salamander Dance
- Flynn, Gillian; Gone Girl
- Follett, Ken; Pillars of the Earth
- Forrest, Deborah: Touch the Spirit: Connecting to the world of dementia (non-fiction)
- Freed, Dennis; Love, Loss and Awakening
- Freeman and Parks; All-Electric America
- Gabaldon, D.; Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone
- Gaber, Stanley; Jex Malone
- Garner, L.G.; The Golden Princess
- Gawande, Atul: Being Mortal
- Airton, Dr. Lee; Gender: Your Guide
- Genova, Lisa; Left Neglected, Still Alice
- George, Elizabeth; In the Presence of the Enemy, Deception On His Mind
- Gebreyohannes, B. T.; Fire Walkers (memoir)
- Graham, Heather; Death Dealer, Unhallowed Ground
- Gray, John; Beyond Venus and Mars
- Gray & Ardagh; Conscious Men
- Green, Lyndsay; A Perfect Home for a Long Life
- Greenblatt, Mark Lee; Valor: Unsung heroes from Iraq, Afghanistan, and the home front
- Griffin, Lynne; Sea Escape
- Griffith, Victoria; Amazon Burning
- Griffiths, Doug; 13 Ways to Kill Your Community
- Grippando, James; The Penny Jumper
- Habib, N. & M.N.; History of the Muslims of Regina, Saskatchewan, and Their Organizations
- Haibach, Michael; Amazing Gracie
- Hardee, J.L., Justice or Injustice: What really happens in a jury room (Memoire)
- Harris, et al, Journey to Invisibility to Visibility
- Hayden, John; Godfit
- Helm & Smith: Talking Back to the Indian Act
- Hemphill, R.F.; dust tea, dingoes, dragons (Memoire)
- Heston, F.C., & McAdams, H. J.; Desolation Sound
- Hiebert, Michael; Close to the Broken-Hearted
- Hill-Lehr, Andrea; A Mother's Road to Kandahar
- Hillier, Jennifer; Wonderland
- Hoogstraten: The Debaters
- Horeck, Brian; Frozen Beneath
- Hospital for Sick Children: The A to Z of Children's Health
- Ivey, Donna; Clinic of Hope: The story of Rene M. Caisse and Essiac
- Izso, Jay; got social mediology?
- Jackson, Joshilyn; The Almost Sisters
- Jauvin, Chantal; The Boy with a Bamboo Heart: The story of a street orphan who built a children's charity
- Jenner, Reid: Diagnose Yourself
- Johnson, George: The Cancer Chronicles
- Johnson, Spencer; Who Moved My Cheese? (Non-fiction)
- Jones, Marjorie G.; The Life and Times of Mary Vaux Walcott
- Jones, Robin and Robert; The Refugee Crisis: Through the Eyes of the Children
- Jucha, S. H.; The Silver Ships
- Kading (Ed.); No Straight Lines
- Kamm, Kurt; Tunnel Visions
- Kellerman, Faye; Bon Box
- Kendell, Laura J.; A Simple Case of Suicide
- Kennedy, Dr. John; The Heart Health Bible
- Kelsey, E.; You Are Stardust, Not Your Typical Book
- Kerr, Leslie; Harriet Quimby
- Keyser, Judith Redwing; Last Acts of Kindness (Non-fiction)
- Kalla, Daniel; We All Fall Down
- Kinew, Wab; The Reason You Walk
- King, Samantha; Pink Ribbon, Inc. (Non-fiction)
- Knight and Sweeney; You Should Be Writing
- Krich, Rochelle; Dead Air
- Kumar, Sameet M.; The Mindfulness of Grief (Also Medicalisation of Grief: DSM-IV)
- Kuritz, Marc; Man With Child
- Kushner, Harold; When Bad Things Happen to Good People, Conquering Fear
- Lackberg, Camilla; The Gallows Bird
- Lafaye, Vanessa; Under a Dark Summer Sky
- Laferrière, Dany, The World is Moving Around Me: A Memoire of the Haiti Earthquake (Memoir)
- Lalonde, Julie S.; Resistance is Futile: The life and death of Julie S. Lalonde (memoir)
- Leinvebers, V; No TIme To Cry
- Lemmon, G. T.; The Dressmaker of Khair Khan
- Levin, Joel M.; Our Beguine (Memoir)
- Lieberman & Neubert; Max and Charlie
- Lindsay, B.R.: Old Bones
- Louden, Paul; Behind the Locked Door (memoir; autism)
- Lundin, S.C. et al; FISH!
- Lynch, Wayne; Owls of the US and Canada
- Mackie & Taylor; The Cottage Bible
- Mankell, Jenning; Faceless Killers
- Manning, Diane Daniels; Almost Perfect
- Maron, Margaret; The Bootlegger's Daughter
- McGee, Robin; The Cancer Olympics
- McGinty, Stephen, The Dive
- McKee, David M; Bala Boy
- McKee, Thomas. W; The Top Seven Reasons Volunteers Quit, The New Breed (Non-fiction)
- McNally, B.; Unbridled
- Martin, Mish Mockovic; Insights of a Yogi (autobiography)
- Mancuso, S; The Incredible Journey of Plants
- Mebane, Donna; Tomorrow Comes
- mhic Aonghais, Clinton; The Baker Boys -700 pages, haven't gotten to it!
- Miller, Dorcs S.; Scat Finder
- Miralia, Mindy; The Hero in Heroin (autobiography)
- Morelli, Laura; The Gondola Maker
- Morgan & Smith; Advanced Genealogy (self-help
- Moroney, Shannon; Through The Glass (Autobiography)
- Mowery, J. Nichols; The Parallel Lives of Elizabeth Ann
- Musleh, Mitri I.; The Making of a Palestinian Suicide Bomber
- Nash, Nicholas: The Girl at The Bar
- Neice, Rick, The Band Plays On: Going home for a music man's encore (memoire)
- Nelson, Craig; The Age of Radiance
- Nichols, N.; Broken Promises (autobiography)
- Nickerson, Cash; BOOMERangs; Engaging the Aging Workforce in America
- Noah, Jim; Country Store
- Obama, Barack; The Audacity of Hope
- Orloff, Judith; The Ecstacy of Surrender
- Parker, David; The More You Do The Better You Feel (self-help)
- Parker, Morgan; 1986
- Pastor, Marc; Barcelona Shadows
- Penny, Louise; A Trick of the Light - Gamache series
- Penny, Louise; A World of Curiosities
- Pesaturo, Janet; Camera Trapping Guide
- Picoult, Jodi; House Rules, The Tenth Circle, Plain Truth, Picture Perfect
- Piggott, Mark; The Dark Tides
- Pinzone, J.J.: Fireballs in my Eucharist: Fight Cancer Smarter
- Polster, E; Beyond Therapy
- Potter, Cheryl: The Broken Circle, Secrets of the Lost Caves
- Power, G. A.; Dementia Beyond Disease
- Prattis; Trailing Sky Six Feathers , also New Planet, New World
- Pronko, M.; The Last Train: A Tokyo Adventure
- Putzel, Michael; The Price They Paid
- Regan, Paulette; Unsettling the Settler Within
- Revere, Glenn; All About Carpets
- Richards, Jass; Turblojetslams
- Rice, Waub; Moon of the Crusted Snow, Moon of the Turning Leaves
- Riley, Laura; Tell Me of Brave Women
- Roe, Carolyn or Sale, Medora; Murder in a Good Cause
- Rue, Nancy; Tristan's Gap
- Roland, Bridget; the Doula
- Rosen, Lynn; A Man of Genius
- Rutherford, Edward; The Forest
- Saturday Even Post Magazine 1963 Kennedy Edition
- Schiller, E.; Watermark
- Schopick, J.: Honest Medicine
- Scholz & Church; The Masterpiece Within (Non-fiction)
- Schwägerl, Christian; The Anthropocene (Non-fiction)
- Schwartz, Leslie; Angels Crest
- Seuss, Dr.; You're only old once!
- Shelly, Derek; Dying to Live
- Shem, Samuel; The Spirit of the Place
- Siegel, Alex; First Circle Club
- Signorile, M. A.; The Wartime Chronicles
- Slatton, Traci L; Fallen, Cold Light
- Smiley, Cat; the planet friendly diet
- Sperazza, Diana; My Townie Heart
- Stewart, Roderick; The Mind of Norman Bethune
- Sutton; The Power of Legacy (Non-fiction)
- Tartt, Donna; The Goldfinch
- Thayer, R.S.; Kobee Manatee
- Traill, Catherine Parr; Lost in the Backwoods
- Transgender Lee; Woman Incognito
- Treitler; My Dad is an Alcoholic: What About Me? (autobiography)
- Tran; American Dreamer (autobiography)
- Trollope-Kumar, Karen; Cloud Messenger
- Trudeau, Kris; TimeShift
- Vallée, Brian; The War On Women
- Vinter, M.; Collette
- Voss, Donna Carol; One of Everything
- Wallach, Dr. J.D. ; Epigenetics; The death of the genetic theory of disease transmission (Non-fiction)
- Ware, Ruth; The IT Girl
- Warrington, Freda; Midsummer Night
- Wathanavongs and Jauvin; The Boy With the Bamboo Heart
- Welch, D.Y.; The Life and Times of Lilian J. Rice
- White, Kate; If Looks Could Kill
- Williams and White: Act III (Non-fiction)
- Wilson, Daniel H.; Robopocalypse
- Wilson, P.D.; The Caregiving Trap (Non-fiction)
- Wold, Richard; Stan
- Wolitzer, Meg: The Wife
- Wright, Robert; Our Man in Tehran (Non-fiction)
- Wyler, Allen; Deadly Errors
- Young, David; Channelling Harrison (biography)
- Yow, David; Copycat
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My Reading Pile! |
Book Reviews, Restaurant Reviews, DVD & iPad App Reviews (scroll down!)
- Band of Brothers
- Borgen - Denmark Politics. Excellent!
- Broadchurch – amazing!
- DCI Banks
- Endeavour (TV Series 2012)
- Foyle's War
- Grantchester
- George Gently (TV Series 2007)
- Inspector Lewis (2006–2015)
- Inspector Lynley
- Inspector Morse (1987–2000)
- Jack Irish
- Janet King
- Midsomer Murders (TV Series 1997)
- Mystery Road (ABC)
- My Life is Murder (ABC)
- People of a Feather, Belcher Isl., Hudson Bay
- Shetland
- The Newsroom - fabulous!
- Vera - wonderful UK mystery

Restaurant Reviews
- Almonte Barley Mow – May 9, 2015
- Bistro 54 Italiano Perth – Jan. 2011
- Café Postino Almonte – 2011
- East Meets West – Perth - 2015 to present!
- Fratelli – April 17, 2017
- Georgian House – Alexandria, June 18th, 2016
- Heirloom Restaurant Almonte – Jan. 2015
- Mexicali Rosa –July 29, 2015 Also, Oct. 2010
- Rocky River Cafe – October 17, 2017; also Dec. 6 & 26, 2013.
- The Cove - Westport – many visits!
- The Hot Wok – April 10, 2017.
- The Shipwreck - Rideau Ferry – Oct. 2010
- The Waterfront - Napanee – May 2015
- Waterfront Gastropub – Carleton Place, May 23/18
- Wildfire BBQ and Smokehouse – Perth, 2015
- Zolas – Ottawa - May 13, 2015; Zola's Oct. 2016
iPad Apps
- Never Alone –Inuit game PC, so far
- Brushstroke –drawing
- ToonCamera –photoshop idea
- Doodle Buddy –drawing
- PhotoBooth –photoshop idea
- Dragon Naturally Speaking –speech-to-text, text-to-speech
- Spirits of Spring –Josie and I like it!
1 comment:
Maron, Nevada Barr, and C. J. Box are three of my favorite authors. Barr and Box have long series going. Each one is a thriller. Maron has a great series too, not as intense as the other two.
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