Wednesday 2 February 2022

Book Review: State of Terror

 I just finished off rereading #8 of the Constable Molly Smith series by Vicki Delany, all from the library. I was ready for something new. With all the chaos going on, you might think I'd avoid something like this. Nah. Both Ottawa, Ontario, and Coutts, Alberta, have nutbars running around restricting the freedom of innocent citizens. I wanted something to make me think.

I know many of you like Louise Penny's work (i.e., Book Review: A Trick of the Light). I have read every one. For my birthday, I asked for State of Terror. I wasn't sure I should review it, as I'm not very far into it (200 of 500 pages), but I am riveted. They seem to have combined their talents, knowledge, and experiences, as good friends, to create a great novel.

Canadian, Louise Penny, the famous Canadian mystery writer, always tells a good tale. The co-writers have a really strong friendship, a wonderful example of cross border collaboration. Hillary Clinton's experiences in the US government, as Secretary of State, makes for mystery, plot, and insight into a dysfunctional international governments, and a society led downhill by the bad actors. 

If you liked The West Wing, or  Madame Secretary, you'll like this story. Of course our hero, U.S. Secretary of State, Ellen Adams, is a strong, clever woman. They take some digs at Clinton's nemesis, by creating a treacherous male president, Eric Dunn, who is Adams' nemesis.

Here is a sample of the writing:

"The new administration is coming in after a one-term Republican president," she said. "His name was Eric Dunn, who even people who were loyal to him jokingly behind his back called him 'Eric the Dumb.'"

We'd expect nothing less from these two women as writers. We have international terrorists as fanatics,  homegrown traitors, and women with intelligence and wit. 

"Thank you for your time." [Secretary of State Adams] held out her hand, and when [President Dunn] took it, she yanked and pulled the immense man right up to her, so that their noses were touching and she smelled his breath.  It smelled of meat. ... 
"You've made it clear time and again that nothing happened in the White House without your approval. ... If there is a disaster, it will be dumped at your big gold door. I'll make sure of that. ..."

You can tell they the authors are friends! Not having any close female friends as peers, I like to see this. 

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@Barrie Summy


eileeninmd said...

I just finished State of Terror, I liked it.
I read everything from Louise Penny. Take care, enjoy your day!

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad to hear you like this. It's on my wish-list. I love Louise Penny. (Do you get her periodic newsletter -- it's like getting a letter from a friend with a little about the books/what's up with her writing and a little about life. I wish she was my neighbor!). Riveted is a wonderful word and I'm looking forward to it!

Tom said...

...we would be in a better place if she had won.

Olga said...

This is on my list, but I haven't read it as yet. I do like Louise Penny's books.

William Kendall said...

I have not read this one.

Barbara Rogers said...

It was fun reading, and easy enough that I was done in a couple of days after having checked it out from our library. I especially liked the touch that included Three Pines near the end. But I think they really tried to put too much into it...every single scene had Sec. Adams handling it herself, with little being accomplished by our Foreign Service professionals. Maybe it was like that to Mrs. Clinton, but I have a different sense of our dealings in other countries. So I give it a 4 stars thumbs up, with a note that it had an unrealistic plot.

Lorrie said...

I read State of Terror, and although I enjoyed it, I thought it had an agenda, and didn't like that. I do love Louise Penny's Gamache books. Have every one of them.

Joanne in Massachusetts said...

I got State of Terror on Audible and really enjoyed listening to it, twice. Loved the snarky parts, former Secretary of State Clinton must have loved having the chance to put them down in writing. And I loved the twist that Louise Penny included.

RedPat said...

I love Louise Penny too so will have to look for this one.

Lucy said...

I've read it and loved it. Glad you're enjoying it.

Sarah Laurence said...

What a great review and fascinating interview! I'm pleased that HRC found a productive and fun new avenue for her energy and expertise. They seem a well matched pair! You make me want to read this book too.

Powell River Books said...

You do select books of substance. In fact you read more books with U.S. political topics than I do. - Margy

Barrie said...

I bet they had a blast writing together. I plan to read this. Thanks for reviewing! And thanks for the YouTube link.

pattinase (abbott) said...

I am anxious to read this one.

Linda McLaughlin said...

I have the book, but haven't had time to read it. Looking forward to it though.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is fascinating and I am hooked.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Jenn,:=) Louise Penny is not an author I'm familiar with, but from your review, the book seems like a good read.
All the best.

Margaret said...

I've read everything by Louise Penny but don't usually read anything in the thriller genre. You've made me want to explore this book!