Sunday, 26 July 2015

Book Review: The More You Do The Better You Feel

If you really want to change, this is the book for you. He has some great strategies.

Parker Book Cover Do you tend to put of doing tasks that are boring, complicated, or unpleasant?  Does your procrastination leave you anxious?   

The More You Do, The Better You Feel by David Parker teaches us how to identify and break the unhealthy habits that lead to chronic procrastination.

Nonfiction – Self Help, Self-Improvement, Personal Growth

 I think it would be funny to say, I put off the review of this book. I didn't! I've been doing a lot, as my regular readers well know. I'm not a procrastinator. That said, it's true that the more you do...the more you do! I'm thinking I feel good about it, but too tired to tell! We had the grandkids for 6 days, they left and the next day I'd washed floors, tidied, done laundry, and vacuumed up and downstairs.

novel study
My favourite PR guy sent me this to read. He's one of the kindest, most considerate, professional publicists who has contacted me! (And I get several requests a day!) Some are pretty bad at it.

Now, don't hate me, but I used to have to have my essays done and handed in 2 weeks early. I just felt pressure to do so in high school. My brother put his off until it was too late!  I was assigned an essay, and I would work at it. Likely, the fact that I was a loner, and didn't go out much, meant that I enjoyed my schoolwork! (My brother had a social life!) Mom would type my essays if they were done early. She was a fabulous secretary and editor for the Rotary Club of Toronto weekly newsletter.

This self-help book is well-written. I'm not sure a procrastinator would get to it, but perhaps an advisor might assist! Or those wanting to change, might use the book as a resource for a self-help group, supporting one another. Parker discusses the reasons for putting things off, "over-analysis leads to paralysis." He has some specific ways and means to get yourself going.

A great activity,
sort of mini-resume!
Having taught for 25 years, I have seen too many kids who procrastinate. Perfectionist procrastinators can put tasks off so long, that they simply cannot see doing it properly. What I would do for my students was to break tasks down into manageable portions. Rather than assigning a book review for a month away, I would have them do the various pieces of the task once or twice a week. The times I assigned a novel study, or a 20-page story, we'd include portions of the assignment in class time. They would have success and it would inspire them.

This is the basis of the book: to break it down. There are many reasons we avoid tasks, mostly involving fears: failure, success, mediocrity, embarrassment, boredom, resentment of authority; or there is self-loathing, an ego, frustration or anger. Work overload may contribute. Parker gets into this. I think that anytime we use our emotional intelligence to improve our attitudes, habits and/or behaviours, we win. It's about goal setting and wanting change. He writes about the J.O.T. Methodsort of jotting things down as you go, concentrating on one thing at a time. I highly recommend this book. Don't wait as long as I did to read it!
End of the week
homework sheets were sent home
with task unfinished...


Red said...

Well, this is the book for me. I'm a procrastinator. It hurts my relationship. I'll look for this book.

William Kendall said...

Good review!

I avoid procrastination. I'd rather have assignments finished ahead of time so that I'm not racing with no time to spare.