Wednesday 1 April 2020

Book Review: Resistance is Futile

Julie Lalonde has turned her battle with her stalker into a crusade. She writes honestly, and well, as a French Canadian woman in her 20's, going off to Ottawa for university. She was stalked for 11 years, but never spoke of it. Stalking is a result of a break up that the stalker simply cannot fathom. With social media, it is far easier to track someone.

The title of her books tells a great deal.

It is a fascinating read, as her stalker lulls her into his domineering world. He isolated her from family and friends. He sweet talked her apartment building neighbours into thinking he was harmless. They enabled his behaviour.

There are signs of an abusive relationship. Ms. Lalonde has made an amazing career of speaking to young people. She is teaching them about consent, domestic violence, and abuse. She is amazing.

Julie S. Lalonde is an internationally recognized women's rights advocate and public educator. Julie works with various feminist organizations dedicated to ending sexual violence, engaging bystanders and building communities of support.


Tom said... can be such jerks!

Barrie said...

Years ago, I attended a Sisters in Crime meeting where a police detective spoke about stalkers. Quite frightening. And that was before so much social media. Thank you for reviewing and stay safe.

Linda McLaughlin said...

What a brave young woman. Stories like this are important. Thanks for reviewing.