Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Copyright laws in Canada

There are some bloggers finding that they are prone to theft of their intellectual property. This include images and written content of all kinds. Sam, in Singapore, created a succinct post on this. He also told me to visit: Copyscape, to determine if your site has been plagiarized.

I think that most media would find it is a crime. When they pay a journalist to write a piece, how can a blogger just reproduce it? Which is what they are doing. I contacted a media outlet, and they did not seem too concerned since the blogger had posted the original URL location. But I think it a slippery slope. Fairness aside, when we can read the entire news article elsewhere, why not post a reflection on the article, with a link? You are not adding to the body of knowledge by recreating a news item word-for-word.

In my mind, many are happy to have you quote a few sentences, but some people copy the entire post. Some put a link to the original post. but I don't think that is good enough.  In my mind, we amateurs are not so much reporting news, as presenting a take or a rant on an issue. Even news 'reporters', the professionals, are embedding their work with bias and a left or right point of view.

Copyright Act - R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42 (Section 29.2)
29.2 Fair dealing for the purpose of news reporting does not infringe copyright if the following are mentioned:
(a) the source; and
(b) if given in the source, the name of the
(i) author, in the case of a work,

Copyright Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42)

Full Document:  
Act current to 2011-11-14 and last amended on 2005-12-12. Previous Versions

If you put on your site that it is copywritten, then it is an infringement. I think the media must clamp down on this. You have to teach others how to respect your rights and stand up for yourself.

Lorelle explains what to do when you find your work has been stolen: talk to them, print out violations, request they do something. I would say demand it! I have blogged about plagiarism, an issue in universities, as well as high schools. I often had to teach students the difference between copying paragraphs and rewriting in your own words. Unfortunately, some parents did not see the problem! However, with incidences of Economic Espionage, we must be vigilant and set high standards across the board.

One important thing for those with photos is to avoid putting such high resolution photos on that may be used by someone else. I keep mine, or try to, lower than 640 pixels.

Click on the icon to read about other points of view.

My World Tuesday

My World White
As Barbara (Toronto) said, "Ah, spring: sunny one day, the next rain or snow. "

In My World, sometimes it's all on the same day!

Clouds moved to let the sunset peek through. In My Muskoka, the sun peeked through the clouds, as the ice gave up its moisture. Fog dances, the ducks watched the beautiful view.

Music: Dance of Spring., by Jesse Cook, major stud muffin, I've seen him perform!

My world includes concern over health care, and senior's issues, as well as other miscellaneous reflections and musings. I continue to read, write, and reflect. Copyright issues continue to concern me in this age of sharing of information.


I do not often cross post. This time I will! Great things are going on in Muskoka.

With great delight I attended a day-long session for hospice volunteers Live~Love~Laugh - a workshop for hard-working volunteers.... I am taking the Foundations of Palliative Care course and this is the training all of these volunteers fo through. It is am amazing course. We know so much about managing death and the dying process. The day was such a positive experience for all the volunteers who attended. It is primarily women, who tend to be the caregivers, but there are a few male volunteers.

Many volunteered to set up tables, and create beautiful displays of, for example, the door prizes.

The keynote speaker in the morning was Jane Galbraith-author of Baby Boomers Face Grief. Jane is a nurse and a medical consultant, who is giving workshops on managing grief in middle age. While she no longer does bedside nursing, Jane does medical legal expert nursing opinion consulting, and also sits on the CPP Disability Tribunals as a medical member.

Many of us are not familiar with the grieving process. I have found, in my research, that in this the sandwich generation, it is tough managing careers and caring for ailing parents. Once they pass over, our work begins. And work it is. Her book is a good read for those of us who face bereavement at this stage of life. It is a process that has a terrible impact even if it is a 'good' death, or an anticipated one. My father, we knew, was palliative but this does not make it easier. In the case of a sudden death of a parent, we are suddenly orphans in a strange way it is a passage for which we are not prepared.

It was so much fun, since I was able to trade books with the other authors who were there! Muskoka is full of authors and workshops faciliatators.

In addition to Jane, Elke Scholtz was there to lead a workshop on Loving Your Life. She does creative workshops on this topic and is working on her Master's using expressive arts. We know that such therapy does wonders for all of us at all ages. I eagerly look forward to reading her book!

I cannot thank the volunteers enough for preparing us a delicious soup and sandwich lunch. The decorations were beautiful on all the tables. I truly felt welcomed and appreciated. The conversations I had with participants, as well as presenters, helped me see the caring, loving individuals with which we are blessed in this community.

One of the fun things was performance by the Bracebridge U.C. Bellringers. I caught a photo of the press getting photos!
How wonderful to be honoured with their delightful music.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

media coverage

I have blogged a couple of times about the disparities of rural vs. city news. Apparently, with the economy news stations are cutting back on local news to save a buck, while keeping the US-based TV shows which garner a higher audience. In these times, however, it is important to have local information. For those without jobs, laid off in the impact of the auto industry failures, they must rely on local news, read local papers to determine how and where to retrain. They cannot rely on the fear-mongering of the big Media to encourage and support all of us in these trying times. For it is my premise that the bailout money needs to go to employees to retool and regroup and find new industries.

CHCH News in Hamilton is having some problems. As they cut local anchors, the powers-that-be have decided to try to find a buyer for the station, the staff have tried to buy out the company.
There is a Facebook site that supports these employees, with a petition to try and convince the CRTC who regulates the media and CanCon, to change the rules to permit this takeover. I truly believe that it is the small towns and employees who have to take the initiative.

There are two YouTube videos: CRTC underpressure, (see it below) and the CHCH Community Rally.

The petition website says, in part, 'They have stated that CHCH may be sold off, or possibly closed down if a suitable decision can not be found. "These stations have proud histories of serving their communities with strong independent voices,’’ Canwest President and CEO Leonard Asper said. “However, as they are currently configured, these stations are not core to our television operations going forward.”'

See also:

My town: they're back!

It is with great glee that my husband ran over to me to tell me that our feathered friends were back! I could hardly see them through the pouring rain, though. They have found open water in the frog pond. The lake is not yet fully thawed.

Thank you, all my blogger friends to the south, who tracked the progress of spring critters returning. I knew they were on their way!

The pair of ducks that arrive early appeared the previous day - sailing through the air they landed in the frog pond. This could be Oscar & Myrtle, in the top photo from last year, but it is hard to tell! They stand and preen, standing on one foot. The geese and ducks seem quite content! After a bit of a feed they will stand, alert, on one leg with the other tucked in.

I told the story of Eddie & Eva in a previous year. I haven't seen lonesome Charlie, yet! It is so good to see them. You know that things are unfolding as they should.
Pine Marten
As I watched the geese, they suddenly went out on the ice. I became suspicious. The female mallard was on the dock. I walked down to the water, yes, pouring rain, to take a photo and do a video.

I began doing the video and just as I clicked to stop filming the fisher popped up its large head. I told the story of Sady treeing the marten last November, 2007. At twice her size she just chased him up the tree.

The marten cannot figure out how to get on the ice, since the geese can spot him coming. Through a glass darkly...that eternal dance through the cycle of life.

Our lake seems low, for Spring, and while I do not wish for flooding, as with the Red River, in both Winnipeg and south - in the US, we can use this rain. Normally the water touches the dock.

The cats are not happy with the rain. Grumpy, they have to play indoors today. The crocus has poked up their little heads. For that I am grateful.

Even Peanut Hockey (see the short video!) has to stop, the deck is just drenched and Oliver, apparently, has standards of play. Sunshine and a dry deck...perhaps tomorrow!

Shadow shot #45

I happened on another meme. People are so clever and help pull that creative strand from what might be a boring blog post. I worry about copyrights, as people are prone to stealing one another's ideas, words or images.

This meme features Shadow Shots. I dug up some photos.

Yesterday the sun shone brightly. There are deep shadows, since the sun is so low in its solstice. The ice on the lake displays lovely shadows.

On this dreary day in March, with rain pouring down in puddles on the still-frozen lake, I found a phot of my cat playing shadows with my husband. We live an uneventful life!

For more shadow shots visit:

Saturday, 28 March 2009

G8 2010 Hunstville

Things are heating up.The Official G8 Summit 2010 Logo

The G8 2010 approaches. Web sites, info, and an anticipated 5000 media alone.

Much excitement with OPP crews doing training.

A trip to Huntsville and I saw a full table of tactical members taking a break for lunch during training sessions. A bit creepy when they all walk in wearing bullet proof vests and all!

As we were travelling south from Bracebridge, we spotted several OPP cars screaming ahead of us. A plane flew overhead.

Then, an OPP SUV screamed past, put on the breaks and held up traffic for 3 minutes.

It didn't seem to be an emergency! One OPP officer got casually out of his car, having passed us on the shoulder of the road, and sauntered up to talk to whomever was in the OPP SUV!

I love spotting these people about, they are going to have a tough job ahead of them!

Friday, 27 March 2009

Skywatch Friday

My camera sees variable skies.

And the creatures -
with keenly honed eyes.

Click on the logo to view more skies!

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Domestic Assault Response Team Muskoka

I am at a DART conference in Muskoka, with a series of speakers involved in this network. Some at this conference know of the murder of Natalia Novak, as her family lives in this area. We anxiously await the result of the trial while the jury deliberates. News coverage is small for such domestic assaults. It is a crime and a shame.

OPP response has evolved from the days of old. Brian Vallée writes in War On Women, of domestic assaults and inappropriate convictions, with woman who were seldom believed, or turned from victims into being on trial themselves.
One of his pet peeves is the lack of coverage of victims, such as the Natalia Novak murder. Or beloved Toronto real estate agent, Susan Ryan, murdered by her former Toronto police officer husband, need to have their stories told.

The conference was full of reports and stories by the OPP, a psychiatrist, and Women's Violence workers. We heard gruesome 911 calls, information about PTSD experienced by women, children, and BABIES who are deeply and profoundly affected by such assaults.

There is much coverage accorded our soldiers who die in battle. Little about these abused women, and often their children, who die at the hands of their former partners. The statistics often are not reflected in media coverage. With 116 soldiers dying in Afghanistan, and between 2000 and 2006 we have lost 8000 women to domestic violence.
  • More than half of Canadian women have been victims of at least one act of physical or sexual violence since the age of 16 (Status of Women -Canada)
  • Every year, about 25 women are killed by their intimate partners in Ontario.
  • Almost 40% of women assaulted by spouses said their children witnessed the event.
  • In sexual assault cases 80% know their abusers and 90% of incidents take place at home.
Despite such horrific inquests and stories of abuse, the May/Iles Inquest 1998, was one that laid down the rules for identification of protocol, mandatory charge policies, specialized courses for OPP, and other improvements to this system.
Vallée's book is a frightening one, and the statistics have been frightening. Even one case a fatal domestic assault or death by a spouse or ex-partner is a sad situation. But it is a topic seldom covered in the news.

Ontario's improvements include and continue with:
More needs to be done, but we are making progress. I have high hopes that our valuable OPP will use the new knowledge we have on how to identify, monitor and prevent violence against w Picture Perfectomen. As awareness arises, it is up to all stakeholders to witness, identify, protect and support women who suffer at the hands of men.

Now home I began a new novel: picture perfect. I had no idea about its content - I just brought 4 more of Ms. Picoult's books home. It turns out that this novel clearly depicts the insidious way that male offenders creep into a woman's life, and turn from a loving, caring partner, into someone who demeans, controls and despises the woman they think they love. It has deep insight into the abuse some women face, and how difficult it is to leave the men who control them, their relationships and their finances. It is a must read for all DART workers, as well as those who love women who have been abused, their friends and family members who may not understand how and why this violence occurs.

Participating in April poetry month, Napowrimo, a fellow poet posted a powerful poem that sums up the horrific experiences. I wrote a poem for mothers who have lost children.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Watery Wednesday

It is so exciting. It is becoming watery.
The lake is slowly melting. The top of the water appears darker, as the ice becomes less ice and more liquid.

Each night, as many of us have posted, the rind (thin layer of ice on the open water) is less. Each day, the wind washes over the top of the ice layer, pushing the water along, creating currents and moving the water.

I have a little boat, I've lost the turtle who sat in it, and I like to watch the current move the boat. The cat likes this boat, too. He chases it along the shore.

We were shopping for our granddaughter and my husband found me a pirate captain (Cap't George Travis) for the boat. Now that we are semi-retired, we have fun by our lake. In this season before the shoulder season (pre-summer when the seasonal visitors return on weekends), we like the peace and tranquility of the lake.

Sacap't george travisdy, our wicked hunter-cat, brought a mouse for us to see. Her brother, Ollie, wanted a piece but she wasn't sharing and took it off back under the cottage.

To update you on our ill cat, for my fellow animal lovers, Mitzie has been eating better. You can tell by the photo that she has strange behaviour. Grabbing a chunk of meat with her claw, dragging it over the floor into her mouth, spending much time cleaning her tuna-covered paws. Maybe she had a virus? We cannot pick her up and take her to the vet. She will claw us. We tried many things, but she seems to have turned the corner. Cross your fingers for us.

Monday, 23 March 2009

Fox News mocks the Canadian military

What disgusting people these are. I cannot imagine who they think they are. I can read that they are Fox TV, what children. It has been featured on a couple of YouTube videos. They say the "speak American"...oh my.
The CBC weighed in on this issue. Reporting that Fox apologised.

The video reflects ignorance of Canadian climate, geography, history, politics and policy.

The comments are interesting - it certainly shows lack of respect for those families who have lost soldiers overseas. I just don't know...

marketing strategies & target audiences

I wrote a little bit about this issue, as well as target audiences, as it relates to seniors. However, I think it requires some reflection here. The fact that I used the article to the left in my work life is a key to my age and stage.

I think I will pass on the "Blog Party" - 5 minutes for mom! The site is sponsored by a company. I prefer hanging out with bloggers who are there for fun, not profit. There are many of us who do so in pursuit of cheap fun and virtual travel. I find that more and more companies are sponsoring blogs, and you don't know whether they are giving you accurate and valuable information or not.

Blogs, however, are the least of the ageism issue. We are affected by bias in marketing, health care, and assumptions about who we are perpetuated by those in decision making positions who do not know the statistics.

We are living in the land of retirees. There are many of us who cannot simply retire, travel, and play. Many are fighting poverty, rural access to services, transportation, home care, or health issues. What I hear continually on CBC is the assumption that all retirees are married, well-off, and able to make choices. I work part-time, in senior's health care, to supplement my income.

What enervates me are ads for shows like Spark, or other puerile programs that feature ads that assume that all listeners do not remember LPs, or that those who do are not their target audience. There is a lot of ageism in this society. Government supported corporations, like CBC, need to remember that we are a large, and growing, demographic. I am tired of thirty-something show hosts, producers and copy writers who assume that their target audience likes loud obnoxious ads, that mock 'ancient' technological inventions such as LPs, or 45s, and have no place in the media world. One ad says vinyl 'That's not YOUR generation." But is IS! We pioneered the integration of technology into the workplace. We are proud of what we have accomplished.

Give me and my generation, some of the respect that we deserve. We put girls and women into parliament, into the science programs, gave them excellent math skills, and produced a generation who allows individuals to make choices, to determine their fate based on choices not gender.

My World Tuesday

my world

How wonderful the world as it changes.
Spring is coming. The ice is melting. The frog pond slowly begins to open up. The amphibians will soon be awake. There is running water everywhere!

We were sitting by the shore and up popped... a snake? No, a muskrat tail slithered by under the chunks of ice. The water is so cold. Of course, I could not get a photo, but I captured the little tyke on video last July after it decimated my plants.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

MTM - fishtown

I have a mystery in My Town. Sometimes we look close to home for a good story.

We have goldfish in a fishtank. Once upon a time they went outdoors into our pond. I built a beautiful pond in Nepean, where I lived near Ottawa. The pond was built from stones from the front stairs that crumbled with old age and frost.

I bought dime-store goldfish who thrived in my new pond, and survived, a long trip (450 km) here to Muskoka. I was so sad to leave this structure behind...

We would bring the fish in before the Fall. They seemed happy to come in for a break from marauding raccoons. I began with 3, one didn't hide well. It could have been the fisher, too. The pond pump broke last year. It dumped oil into the pond, and I couldn't clean it up. Now, my fish are restricted to the fish tank all year.

I have never had any problems with the tank. I bought it from a Nepean mom & dad whose son had skipped town and left his carp behind, excuse the pun, without living fish. They sold it to me. Mitzie, our weird cat, loved to 'fish' when she was healthier.

It is a beautiful tank. I have had fish since I was in high school. My parent's friend, the late Uncle Bob Arden, first showed me how to set up the tank. I started with guppies and had a variety of fishies over the years. My late-ex-father--in-law raised tropical fish and gave me some cichlids. Just gorgeous. He had a pirhana named Percy. When you entered the basement room, it housed perhaps 20 fish tanks, Percy would slowly turn you way and stare at you. He ate goldfish.

My goldfish must be nearly 5 years old. Unfortunately, the fish water keeps turning green. It was bizarre the first few times. I have to change about 50% of the water every few days to ameliorate this problem - I cannot seem to get rid of it entirely. Except between November and February it did not occur. I am quite curious. My hydrogeologist daughter cannot figure it out, either. We think the pH is prone to fluctuations. I tried with pH balance chemical but it did not help.

Saturday, 21 March 2009


Week #160
1) Describe your everyday dishes. Do you like them?
My dishes are white, with irises on them, green slender leaves. I bought them after using paper plates when I moved out of my matrimonial home. My mother sent me a cheque and I bought them at a hardware store.

But we use two sets of dishes:

-my dishes
- my mother's dishes, inherited in 2006, are Royal Albert with gold trim. I like to use them just for fun. Curiously, her dishes match her upholstered wing chair, as well as most of her former drapes.

photohunt - yellow

PhotoHunters Not much yellow around our frozen lake!
I feel I must explain the photo. While I try to be positive...
I have blogged elsewhere about the noise, smell and annoyance from these machines. They drive over cracking ice, scare our faithful cats. They are accidents waiting to happen, or already happened.

Friday, 20 March 2009

google ads

Recent concerns (see the CBC article) over Google ads prompted a rewrite of this post. Physicians are concerned with the quackery of it all. I don't blame them. While people may be foolish to be lulled into promises of cures, they are being victimized.

It is a big decision to put up an ad. I wrestled with it for some time. I did ponder the preponderance of ads towards seniors, in a previous blog, who may be more vulnerable. Some, of course, have social, emotional, cognitive and physical issues and are easily targeted by fast-talking folks. They market as much towards geriatrics as they to pediatrics these days. It is appalling.

When I saw a google ad for "100's of Asian Women" on someone else's blog about their life in Asia, I dumped it! It looked cheap and detracted from the site! In my opinion, it demeans a site. I loathe visiting major companies, CBC or Oprah, for example, and having to wend my way through ads.

The worst ads are the ones that take forever to load dynamic content, and slow your page. The google ads, at least, are small and succinct.

The ones on my ontarioseniors.blogspot were quite rational, the ones I noticed, but since you need a million 'clicks' to make a few cents off of it, I thought I'd delete it! You can see that despite many comments, and 1700 profile views, unless people click on the ads you do not make money.

It didn't necessarily lead people to acceptable sites, nor did they lead to reputable or local businesses. They use your blog content to attach appropriate and relevant ad content, but you just never know what they will post. Others have found that the ads don't match well and don't bring in much income.

I have dumped them. It leaves more space for my own photos and sidebars.

Spring is here!

Spring Solstice has arrived
people: winter survived

the blogs they celebrate;
Kentucky, Lilac Gate

les dit beaucoup de temps
bonjour signes du printemps

from country far and wide
from green up shoots: Bankside

daffodils they appear
-visitors to Fallow Deer

farm: Weaver of Grasses
who deal with asses

lake ice begins to melt
sun's rays so warmly felt

with buds about to burst
for Spring I truly thirst