Sunday was a wonderful day in terms of weather. The sun shone, I didn't need a jacket! I did a lot of yard work. The thermometer made it to 26 C. This morning it is only 10 C., with clouds. The furnace is off, but I may just have to turn it back on.
Last night, just before bed, I peeked out into the Muskoka Room and two cats were happily snuggled in the cat bed.
First frog of the season in the goldfish pond. It disappeared later. They don't usually show up in the pond until the wetland dries up.
The veggies were happy in the sunshine. I remembered to bring them in that night.
Repairing the bird bath was a bit of a mess. We'll see how it holds up. Otherwise, it's a trip to Kemptville and another $50 to replace it.
The deer are beginning to eat my garden, so the chicken wire fence is up. We've only a few deer left hanging around, as far as I can tell.
In the lower right of the second photo is the hosta they trimmed for me. Next, I have to take the bird feeder down, I've just a potful of seed to use up. The first photo is from last year, just before a couple were lopped off. This is why I need to put up chicken wire! The deer love the flowers...
Dratted red squirrel thought the arrangement quite lovely!
The daffodils in the front yard are lovely. I bought 100 a couple of years ago. They promised they would 'naturalize' and spread. Not so much.
Don't tell the deer, but you can see that I hid a clump of tulips in front of the daffodils on the left. Deer don't like daffies, but they adore tulips. They've grazed on the leaves just outside the front door. I offer proof that there are tulips there, for now! I'll keep you posted.
Cinnamon and I took a walk around the wetland shoreline. You can hear the birds, and the moss are such a beautiful green colour. It warms the heart.
Cinnamon in the swamp from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
They were dancing around the May Pole for May 1st! The bears had to dance in the guest room. I was washing our sheets!

This is an archived photo, but there are two robin eggs, so far! It's been a bit chilly since they laid them, as well as cloudy. We'll see what happens. The phoebe are still working on the nest on the shelf. Yay, SPRING!

our furnace is also off but I was tempted yesterday.
26˚! That is amazing.
Thanks for the comments yesterday. They all showed up on my dashboard but only one on the posts themselves. Blogger's comments are really acting up.
Hari OM
..aahhhhhh... spring..... YAM xx
My daffs have not survived transplant. The bed at the church was so overgrown. My pal, the unofficial gardener, thinned them out and gave me quite a few. The first year or two they grew leaves and then went poof. The mini daffs over by the horse fence should be up soon.
I don't think pheobe is going to use the nest over the side door this year, though they have surprised us before!
Didn't know that Deers like Daffodils
So many sweet pictures Jenn
I love spring! Happy cats you have.
Loved your bears (a la stuffed variety) danced the maypole!
The deer go through my place quite often and they are probably trimming some flowers in the neighborhood.
It's freezing here today, so I an under a blanket on my lap. I refuse to turn the heat on. Not giving Putin any chance at my money.
LOVE the bears around the Maypole. That is so adorable. I'm glad I don't have deer. I love my hostas.
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