Sunday, 23 March 2025

Walkies on Crumbly Acres

I took a walk down to the frog pond. I hadn't been down there in ages, there was such deep snow. There were two things on the Spring To Do List: clean out the wood duck nest box at the frog pond, and set up the trailcam. Cinnamon came along for Walkies.

This old pine tree has had it. We'll see if it crumbles and/or tumbles. 

We have fun in the forest. I heard the owl, saw some owl mute. I hope she mates this year. These are both archive photos!

There are trees down everywhere. I can't lift them. maybe I'll get the reciprocal saw out. 

Back up at the house, he found a nice spot. I was working on Mamma Bear, and rilling bird feeders. Snow on Saturday, I'll wait to remove the plant coats. Plus it was below zero overnight.

The daffodils are beginning to show!


March 19th it was 21 ℃ and I sat and read out front! It has cooled off since then.

In the night, this mysterious orb was shining! One must admit to wondering what the heck it was, at first. 

The spider web is back on the camera! 
I hope spidey goes back to sleep. It is -10℃ this morning! It's only 16℃ in the house, as the thermostat has an overnight setting. I am under a blanket with my coffee, but the furnace is on!


Barbara Rogers said...

And suddenly (well I've missed a few posts) the snow is gone! Glad to see the wet lands, and oh so many trees that are ready to return to earth! You toasting us with wine sitting in the sunshine is definitely a sign of spring. Keep warm when it plunges again (temps).

Anvilcloud said...

Yes, it did get cold overnight.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Looks like spring is finally arriving up there in the north country! Loved your critters from yesterday and looking forward to more trail cam videos and pictures!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your snow is almost gone! Seeing Daffodils popping up is a sure sign of Spring!

eileeninmd said...

Cinnamon is a cutie! I love the owl too.
The flower is beautiful. Take care, have a wonderful week!

Kate said...

Farmbeau gets all kinds of unexplained lights in his night photos. Maybe it's time he joins a UFO club -- or starts one.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you both for sharing your walkies. Such a wonderful time of the year.,

tz_garden said...

Love the owl sighting, they are beautiful! Cinnamon is darling. How long does the cold stick around?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yeah, March is blowing hot and cold over here too... but gradually, oh so slowly, the warm is winning out! YAM xx

Mary Kirkland said...

That's still cold. It's warmer here today. I love the owl picture.

Jeanie said...

Your world looks really good. It's cold here today too and all week. So tired of it!

Red said...

21 C is pretty nice but then it hit you again minus 10. But we love it.

Lowcarb team member said...

Many thanks for sharing your walkies, I enjoyed your photographs.

All the best Jan

Cloudia said...

I know cinnamon enjoyed going down there with you