Monday, 24 March 2025

Crumbly World

It has been lovely out. We had three deer visit (can you see them at the back there?), and the grass is sort of green! (Ignore the date stamp!) 

Just as I was getting used to Spring, we had more snow! In fact it is snowing this morning. I have to get the garbage out. 

Wild ranges of temperatures this past week.

The wild turkeys were scratching around for food.

This was an interesting capture, the dark-eyed junco fly past. Can you see it on the left?! This is a trailcam.

Poor Mamma Bear. The stakes are frozen in the ground and bent, but I cannot pull them out. I managed to slide her off the stakes and put her in the shed for summer.

And in 🇨🇦 Canadian news, we're headed for an election on April 28th.

🇺🇸 I'll leave this here. There are a lot of athletes who will have to consider their safety. 

Krome Detention Center

What a white woman of privilege. It is insidious, entrenched, and they don't know what they don't know. No, a white woman never experienced racism, gender bias, or any other LGBTQ+ issues. Go figgur.

I found this. Racism is entrenched in society. It is overt and not subtle for people of colour.

Protests are continuing on both sides of the border. Here is an interesting website. They are highlighting protests in the US, but there is an International-wide link. You can search for protests near you.



tz_garden said...

When you said poor Mama Bear, I thought oh my gosh A BEAR! hahaha.

Anvilcloud said...

There were simultaneous protests in Detroit and Windsor yesterday.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty views of your yard. The weather has been up and down here too. Have a great day and happy week ahead.

Nancy J said...

Down here, I talked to Grandson in Vancouver at the weekend, and urged him not to cross the border south!!!!Who would have ever thought that prison, detainment and possible death would happen in 2025. Keep warm Jenn, with that late snowfall happening.

Elephant's Child said...

Despite the nearby ugliness thank you for sharing the beauty of your world.

Jeanie said...

Your new PM sounds like a good guy and the right guy for this time. From what little I know, I hope he wins.

Red said...

Treatment of deportees is unbelievable. why are people standing by and watching this?

Lowcarb team member said...

Your snow is not ready to go quite yet!
Nice to see your photographs.

All the best Jan