More critters, and especially birds, show us it is spring. I was able to use the Merlin App and the sounds are lovely. Friday, I heard the song sparrow out back, and the barred owl in the forest.
The robins hav returned, as well.
The goldfinches are switching over to summer colours! This one is sort of half olive green and yellow.
The red cardinal was winging away in the tops of trees at the top of his lungs!
This was the backyard March 13th. All this snow has melted!
The red-winged blackbirds have returned.
The big excitements was spotting Fred Groundhog. I imagine Labbit will move out of the burrow. He's been digging under the wood shed. I've still wood piled up there. We'll see what happens.
Visit more critters: Saturday's Critters # 588 at Eileen's page!
I love seeing all the spring birds returning. You have a nice variety in your yard. The coyote comes around a lot. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.
The return of spring is really welcome here too — I’m glad your redwings have come back. We saw large numbers of them yesterday, with their quirky songs.
best… mae at
Hari OM
So glad Fred is up and about again! Spring is so full of hope... something so much needed. YAM xx
We have been waiting for the Red-winged Blackbirds but no luck here yet.
It must be spring if the groundhog is waddling around! Love hearing the birds in the morning, you have a wonderful variety.
You are always writing wise words, YAM!
Such fun to see Spring birds, your Cardinal is ever so pretty!
Our male robin was busy foraging for breakfast on the front lawn this morning. This afternoon he is looking befuddled as it is once again covered by a couple of cm. of snow! The sun is trying to beat back the clouds now so I hope he finds his dinner.
Cute critters
It's warming up, Spring time is here
Sorry the videos wouldn't work for me but I did enjoy your photographs.
Happy Saturday and weekend wishes.
All the best Jan
Love your critters.
Awww so happy to see the birds and of course red winged black birds! They are so loud and fun!
Yes, the skunks, possums, and ground hogs are all active now. Not fond of the skunks though!
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