Friday 5 April 2024

What did we get, rain or snow?

We had rain (14 mm/half"), freezing rain, snow (9 cm Thursday, 7 cm last night = 16cm)!

☔ 🌨 ☔ 🌨 ☔ 🌨 ☔ 🌨 ☔ 🌨 ☔ 🌨 ☔ 🌨

A massive system. Turning counter-clockwise, starting with a comma shape, it dumped on us. 

In the afternoon, Wednesday, we had hail! 

The winds brought down a lot of wires between Wednesday and Thursday. It began to the west, and spread to eastern Ontario. 

We were lucky! We were surrounded by people who'd lost power. Ours went out in the wee hours, and came back on at 3 a.m.

Percy would complain if he could talk. He is there, in the pond, since my 60 gallon tank leaked

The mourning dove just sat there for a long time. It looks totally ticked off with the snow! The trees are drooping Friday morning, today. We expect 5 ℃ today, and maybe the snow will change over to rain. 

It accumulated on the back deck. I had the aquarium pump out back, preparing to clean it. I shall wait.

✿ The daffodils are happy, cozy under the snow. They should be fine as the snow blankets them, and holds in whatever heat there is in the ground.

🐹 Fred, 🐇 Labbit and 🦨 Skunk are hunkered down in dens. Suddenly – not a sign of them.

I ended up building a Leprechaun. Instead of shovelling the back deck (again) I summoned some motivation to make lemons out of lemonade. Sadly, we had another 7 cm overnight!

The good thing is that the ground is warm from our nice weather last month. I won't need to shovel!

It looks pretty. 

I worry about this pine tree, however. It lost a lot of branches in past storms [❄️ A Sunday storm ☃️, Dec. 2023]. We'd just had this tree cleaned up April 3rd, from the December 2022 storm.  We spent thousands of dollars getting them cleaned up. 


The two bags remaining from the ditch diving are buried under the snow!

🐡 It is still snowing today.  Indoors, my goldfish plant is in bloom, as is the orchid cactus. They are a welcome sight. I can look forward to spring. I appreciate seeing it in blog posts from warmer climes! 


eileeninmd said...

I like a snow that doesn't need to be shoveled.
Your house plants are looking pretty.
Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

Barbara Rogers said...

Wow a few times wow. Smart animals can wait a day or so before venturing out. Love your indoor blooms. Glad you all weathered this spring storm.

Val Ewing said...

Yikes, looks like your poor trees will suffer.

Last December and April we had a lot of tree damage in the forest from wet heavy snow. I think we probably did again from this very same storm.

Hopefully it melts soon!

Karen said...

We have easily got a foot of snow. The blower is off the tractor so there is no cleaning it up. The snowplow just went by. They changed our furnace yesterday. The truck and trailer got stuck at the head of the lane and made one H**l of a rut. We will have a bit of work once things melt.

tz_garden said...

Woah! More snow, we got rain yesterday and it felt so cold after the nice warm spell. The orchid cactus is so bright & cheery, just beautiful.

Karen said...

Our phones and hydro were out for some time too.

Anvilcloud said...

Internet was down this morning, but it was fine once I reset the modem. There was much snow on branches at 6 when I got up but not at 10:30 when we went out.

RedPat said...

Poor Percy. He will be glad to feel a bit of sun on his back this weekend. Hopefully all of your snow will melt.

Elephant's Child said...

On this side of the world my goldfish plant is flowering too. I do love it.
Your snow looks very pretty - but a lot of work too.

Red said...

That much snow is nasty at this time of year.

Cloudia said...

Marvelous snow picture above!
I love how plugged in you are to your place in the world. Your land and its nature. Very Hawaiian Aloha my dear

DeniseinVA said...

I hope that snow goes away soon, even though it always looks pretty in your photos. I learned something new today. I have never heard of a goldfish plant before. We have a huge fir tree that is starting to worry us. It keeps growing but the roots are taking on a life of its own and beginning to realize now, the previous owners built it too close to the house. Hope no more storms are heading your way. Thanks for another enjoyable post.

Jeanie said...

What a massive storm. It's lovely -- but enough is enough! It went north and east of us but you really got slammed. Bring on Spring!

Kay said...

Our Christmas cactus had been doing so well and then suddenly... sigh... it died. I really have a brown thumb.