Just when I don't know what to post... stuff happens that I have to tell my peeps about. The goldfinches are wearing their winter couture. I managed a nice close-up of the pair on the tray feeder, grabbing the zoom lens, but they were blurry. Not so lovely! They moved to the other feeder. That I managed.
Speaking of blurry photos, this is a photo fail. The branch is right across her face! She was stomping at Cinnamon who was rolling around on the sidewalk.

I saw another toe biter. As I was looking at it, I spotted another frog or two. The crazy frogs just don't know what is best for them. I guess they have water, and find this a good place to be after the normal drought in August. They have no idea that it is a bad place for them in during freeze thaws in the winter!
There were three here, one just dove for the depths, all you can see is the rings on the water. I caught one, and sent JB to the frogpond with it. As I looked, there were two more on the side of the goldfish pond. My body said to stop and give up for the day. Moving the froggies <= That mean we've moved 38, with at least 4 left.
JB finished his walk and offered to go with me down to the store for lawn tractor gas and a beer run. He's on meds and cannot drive. He offered to grab me a frozen pizza, as well. I took him up on his offer. I am so achy!
🐻SNUGGLE Bears – Grampa was creative. I found the castle behind the couch. We used to play with it so much.
...the bees are sleeping.
Cinnamon would like to play. The deer would not.
There always seems to be something going on at your place!
We're collecting firewood at the neighbours later and throwing it into the basement wood room. We'll be suffering tonight too.
Don't eat the horse chestnuts, if that is what you are collecting.
You and your place is amazing. You should charge for tours, and a summer camp too! Of course the girls and their bears would have priority VIP reservations. Thanks for sharing because flat Kansas only has Toto and Flying Monkeys. Linda in Kansas
You have a very interesting place. There is always things happening.
Goldfinches are a problem for me to identify for some reason. 9 times out of 10 if there is a small bird I cannot identify with my eye, my binoculars find Goldfinches. You seem to be really productive with your work of getting ready for winter.
I look at the wood provisions as something from the outer space. We generally have mild winters, so, some electric heating or an additional layer of clothes will do.
Jenn - I have had very few birds at the feeders for the last couple of months - many other food sources, I assume. In the last week, they have started to trickle back. I am sorry you and your hubby are feeling under the weather -- it is hard to be civil in those circumstances. I hope you both feel better soon!
This is odd. I see your comment on the page, and there are 4. I click 'Post a Comment' a new window opens, and I see 10.
You are quite amazing! I appreciate your concern for the animals. Please take care of yourself too
Goldfinches are back swarming our feeders too. I am always happy to see them.
Cinnamon is looking quite content and chubby there. You really are wonderful to be such a friend to wildlife.
We only had horse chestnuts at our house in Illinois. They weren’t good for us to eat, but the squirrels LOVED them.
I'm going to have to get more seed! My birds are packing it in!
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