Tuesday 14 April 2020

GRAMMA CAMP – Week 5.0

Perth has been pretty quiet.

Jos came out onto the back deck and got her socks wet. (We had 19 mm of rain, followed by winds.) She tried to toos her socks downstairs, and one stuck on the brick.

We had 4 games of Sorry, a couple of Uno.

There was an afternoon DVD.

Tacos for dinner

Isabelle helped me with dinner. 
"Do you want to grate some cheese?"
"I'm great at it!"

I asked Isabelle to ring the Taco Bell for dinner! (That was Grampa's notion. He's such a card.) The puns flew.

The winds rolled in.

We watched The Voice with Jophee. Isabelle preferred to read.

We had a small emergency, as Izzy lost her sleep toy. It was found under  her blanket.

Rain had a good question. She's begun using wood pellets, after my post on the topic. [With kitties goes kitty litter] I have tools! 
I'm having varied success. The wood pellets have lasted since January, but things have been crazy.


Tom said...

...Perth looks like a great place to visit when travel becomes possible. Take care, all of you happy campers.

Christine said...

Lovely girls offering to help.

Cloudia said...

Smashing header! Life is so crazy. I've missed you my friend. Hope you are well and happy

Olga said...

This pandemic can be so hard on kids. It's a strange new world, but I think your two are in a very good place and will come through with fond memories of time well spent. Stay well all.