We rented some movies to pass the time. We were watching The Kitchen, a pretty vulgar, in parts gruesome, movie with Melissa McCarthy. It was about mobster wives back in the 70s. McCarthy's character was sitting counting money aloud, complained she lost count. Another female lead, Elisabeth Moss, start spewing random numbers, as I do. We looked at one another and hooted!
COVID–19 reports are better than expected in Canada, although intel tells us that the Canadian government knew about it in January. I think we all expected it wouldn't be as bad as this. It wasn't until March that the kids cancelled their April trip to Thailand, Australia and New Zealand. People, media, somebody, has been demanding forecasts of cases, which include best and worst case scenarios.
Quebec has had horrid issues with long-term care (LTC), although it's all over both provinces in LTC and retirement homes. Workers (primarily personal support workers paid $15/hour) aren't getting PPE, although most have gloves and cheap masks. They don't protect the eyes, and the PSWs go from home-to-home.
Quebec coroner’s office launches investigation into Montreal long-term-care home, where 31 seniors have died since March 13
B.C. and Alberta have been flattening the curve. Yukon and the NWT are trying hard to keep stupid white people away.
Ontario and Quebec, not so much. They are still triaging testing, so not everyone has been tested who could have been. They are limiting it to healthcare workers, and people with symptoms. Quebec should have far fewer cases, according to the population.
Science is really important. It's easier in some countries rather than others. Ours is so large, with very unique provinces and territories. Most of our populations live near the US/Canadian borders.
Iceland's population is about 364,000. The Netherlands is about 17 million. Ontario is about 15 million, so you can see the difference.
Personal grooming
I know they say not to, but I used the electric razor on my hair. It was down over my ears. My right eye is so bad. Having my hair in my face was driving me nuts.
It's a warm day, with a front having moved in. Lots of rain! Apparently, high winds will follow. Just what we need, a power outage! OK, gotta live in the present moment.

I asked about Josee's iPad app. It's called Libby. Caitlin checked, while we were on the phone, and it turns out it worked. I loaded it up for him, and we logged him in. Voila!
I've given up on the chorus frog survey. I'm disappointed, but there was too much driving. The spring peepers continue, as well as the wood frogs. I think I heard a tree frog this morning.
Meantime, ANOTHER mystery bird.
mystery bird from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
I've had my fair share of them. Thankfully, I've time to figure them out.
mystery bird in the trees from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Consensus is:
mystery bird –purple finch from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
This one was solved by experts, too. I never did see it.
Mystery bird sound - Black-billed Cuckoo from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
I think that the impact of Covid-19 is going to be with us far longer than anyone might have predicted at the outset. Perhaps some of the adaptations to our behavioural practices will become permanent. I am wondering how soon it will be before we are all comfortable hugging and kissing our friends again?
...everyone isn't exercising good judgement these days, take care!
I feel so sad about these numbers and I wish for the best in Canada. I have a lot of former students who now lives there including my college best friend who now lives in Burlington. Stay safe and just like you I did my own haircut last Weekend :)
I love using Libby, have borrowed lots of ebooks on it since the library closed.
I have tried Libby it is great on IPad or even on my Windows computer. It just uses your library log in
On that graph, I am somewhat optimistic that we can stay in the blue or close to it.
I am always using my library's Overdrive site to download ebooks. The graphs and Covid-19 numbers are scary. I hope they start dropping everywhere. I might have to cut my hubby's hair soon. Take care! Enjoy your day, have a great new week!
Glad you are well! I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow and line up with the hordes to get in! Not looking forward to it.
God bless Cananda!
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