Monday, 27 January 2025

Are you X or Y or a combination?

I like science. I believe in scientists. If you are a politician, and a lawmaker, you really need to do some homework. This holds for both sides of the border. 

 According to this article:

On his first day in office, Trump issued an executive order aimed at redefining sex and targeting what the order referred to as "gender ideology." The order specifies that "female" is defined as "a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell," and "male" as "a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell."
Trans US Rep. Sarah McBride points out some facts in the article. 

Ignorance IS NOT an excuse for these US lawmakers. Sarah McBride carries the weight of all this, being refused the use of federal bathrooms. Thing is, we are all female at conception. It takes 6 weeks for embryos to differentiate between X and Y chromosomes. Some people have variations on XY combinations.

Biology is complex. There are several chromosome combinations they haven't heard of and refuse to learn about. 

Traditionally, Conservative Politicians have tried to avoid science, data, and facts. The Harper government is a case in point, when scientists were muzzled. I don't need my government to pull the wool over my eyes. If they are harming the environment, we should know this. 

There is a difference between gender and sex, i.e., sexual genitalia. What does it mean to have feminine or masculine traits? We all have this social construct in our minds. 

An excellent article

"Gender can’t be binary, because it is a personal identity and is socially constructed."
Lots of critters are unisex. Some Native Americans self-identify as Two-Spirited. Many cultures have names for this. 

I continue to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community. This means I deal in the science and facts. It means I support my Queer and Trans grandies. I love them. 
reposted from George Takei

Passports in the US had an option, as Canadians do, to declare M, F, or X. Many countries do not recognize the 'X.' CBC posted an article: Unclear How Trump's gender order would impact Canadians. 
Helen Kennedy, executive director of advocacy organization Egale Canada, said it's a "scary" and "precarious" time for Canadians with gender-neutral passports — and the 2SLGBTQ+ community in general.

Julie Lalonde is an Ontario woman and leads training seminars, a survivor, Resistance is Futile: The life and death of Julie S. Lalonde (memoir).


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
So much fought and won, only to have regressive government bulldoze it. Continual battle... YAM xx

Leslie's Garden said...

Great commentary. Scary times in America.

Elephant's Child said...

He might only recognise two genders but there are many more. Essentially he is wrong. Again.

eileeninmd said...

I also believe everyone should have equal rights.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a wonderful week!

Barbara Rogers said...

I wonder how many people actually suffered during the "don't talk, don't tell" era in our military. It must be in the thousands. And supposedly those with discharges without benefits have been reinstated. For the next generations, I do hope the ability to be more accepting and embracing of different genders will continue to grow, in spite of the current outrageous executive orders from the Orange one. It's a difficult time for all, but I'm waiting for the tipping point when the MAGA's actually feel the idiocy personally.

DrumMajor said...

It's all very sad, as Trump is an idiot, of course with no heart. I hope the world survives his bullying. Hurray for standing with your grandies! Linda in Kansas

Val Ewing said...

Trying to make people NOT what they are is horrid. As you say at conception all embryos are female. Shall we change the orange mango into female? After all, he uses more hair product and makeup than most females.

I have two trans friends that are not taking this news lightly. I'm not sure how my gay cousins are handling this either. We accepted them as they were years ago and I will continue to accept them.

It really strikes me in the heart to see this happening.

Jeanie said...

Interesting post, Jenn. Rep. McBride has her work cut out for her with this gang. I wish her well.

tz_garden said...

I don't get why this terrifies them so much. Let people be who they are.

Hena Tayeb said...

We are living in scary times right now. I pray for those who will be affected by the coming turmoil.

Shug said...

Happy Monday Jenn.. I always appreciate stopping by to say hello. can you believe we are in the last week of January already?

Kay said...

People who voted for him should have known better. I can still hardly believe we have that many Americans who actually think Trump is a good idea to be leader of our country. What does that say about more than half our country?