Sunday, 26 January 2025

I went shopping!

First, sad news. I went down to check the driveway entrance. We'd had snow, it does  pile up when the snowplow goes by. A pair of crows flew up. I looked around, and found a half-eaten cottontail. It's so sad. Drivers just fly along the road. R.I.P little bunny.

 A busy week, it was. I went into town to fetch deer food. Saturday we had 10 friends visiting! Not at the same time, once I went out. Several aren't our regulars, and took off. We've a healthy group of deer. All of them get a mouthful. Not a lot, but enough. I am watching for an antler this year, but I am not exactly hopeful. I haven't seen any bucks in weeks. They drop them January/February here, after rutting season, and testosterone drops with lack of food and the cold.

Friday, I had major errands. Kitty litter, cat food, potassium chloride for our hard water. These are errands Joseph usually does, but his back is not great. With his health issues he cannot lift them, but last week he didn't even feel up to driving. This is serious. We have great people who carry out the heavy things for us. It is an aging community! 

Home Hardware has two little sheds for shopping carts! It makes sense. 

This is the best, though. A sauna! I would love a sauna and a hot tub. It's not going to happen, although my brother, from whom I am estranged, said he'd buy us one! What a dreamer.

Not too many shoppers and/or weird drivers, hell bent for election. The trunk filled up.

I have a story! I was so proud of myself. I began to shovel the sidewalk, but found ice underneath. This isn't good. I put on my boots with cleats. They are wonderful. On sale, the last pair in the store and I scooped them up. 

Not being too happy with slipping, I figured I'd best put some salt down. It can be very dangerous for us old farts. The problem is, I haven't used this for the pool in a couple of years, it's too small for our teenaged grandies. The salt is hard. Using a hammer, I smacked it to break up the chunks. Well, most of them.

I had a chunk, flung it at the pavement hoping it would smash to smithereens. It did. But some bounced off the step, backwards into my hair. I forgot about it until bedtime. Reading in bed, my scalp was itchy. Sure enough, salt all over the pillow! I could have gotten up and washed my hair, but I resisted the urge. Manana...

Speaking of shovels, apparently you can't have too many! They were quite necessary in Bala, Muskoka, in Central Ontario. 



Elephant's Child said...

RIP bunny indeed. Your life was hard enough even without careless drivers.
You did a lot. I am sorry that his back is still plaguing your husband.

Anvilcloud said...

I find Saturday a good day not to shop, but I guess you didn’t. Say that you did this on Saturday. 😇

Barbara Rogers said...

Poor bunny, but now gone to the great cycle of feeding the crows. Oh your salty hair story was so funny! Hope you slept ok and didn't dream of the oceans, or salty chips! I do hope your fellow's back is better soon. I know you know all that can help him.

MARY G said...

We have had some regular visitors to our feeding station as well. Max of five, all does as far as I could tell. But my daughter found, on a hike through our bush, the remains of a deer that the coyotes had pulled down. If you think one squished bunny makes a mess, this was, um, epic.
Our ravens are also active on the roadsides.
I hear you about lifting the heavy stuff. My shoulder is still out of combat from the Christmas shopping. Old age sucks, eh?
But, winter is still beautiful, even if causing major difficulties.
I have a story about shovels. A good friend of mine and her husband moved from here to Vancouver Island, for the mild, snowless mostly, winters. Shortly after they got there, there was a major, very unusual, snow dump in their new location. I got a two word email. It said "Send shovels!".

RedPat said...

I hate it when a good shovel wears out or breaks. The last replacement I bought was useless.