Tuesday, 28 January 2025

A good season for reading!

We had 80km winds on Monday. There is lots of loose and drifting snow. I drove into town to pick up a grocery order, and there are garbage cans and recycling bins all over the place. My recycling bin was in the ditch. The garbage can on the road, and rolling. I threw it behind the fence while I carried on into town.

We had snow overnight, on top of the cold winds. I heard Ottawa is a bit of a mess in spots. It is still dark as I write this. I'll have to do the driveway!  After breakfast and coffee!

I found an old video from Muskoka, where we used to live. This is from 14 years ago. Lake Effect Snow!

These are days for reading indoors. I have three library books out. It is time to Take It Back! 😏 (Get it, A/C?!) Two new authors for me. Kia Abdulah is very interesting. A twist on what one expects in both books. It is an excellent introduction to Islamic religion and culture. I've taught many kids from diverse backgrounds. It helps to understand.

📚I haven't attacked the green one yet, it's a series, and !

🇺🇸 I had a thought. The US president thinks Canada is benefitting from US protection. They think we need to increase our defence budget. Thing is, we don't have many enemies, and if the US didn't provoke so many other nations, we wouldn't need protection! Just sayin'!

Seth Abramson is pointing out the really poor decision-making of the US Administration. Middle class taxpayer money, since oligarch brolicarchs don't pay much in taxes. Nor do they donate to good causes. 

🇨🇦 Same old critters at the feeders. Great excitement, we are having family visit on Family Day weekend! It'll be nice to have someone else to talk, to other than each other and the birds and cats! 

🛷 I did a Wetland walkies with Daisy back in March, 2017. This sled I hauled up to the back yard. It was interesting to research it!


I spotted an old archival photo, and that is the sled I found in our backyard wetland.

😺This is the link for Cat zoomies, in case you cannot see it. Let me know if you can't see it. A couple of people have said they can't see my embedded videos. It is posted below: 

I hung this Jan. 4th on the guest room door. The plan was to find a local, hand done one, but there aren't many festivals these days. This will do for now. 


Barbara Rogers said...

I'm glad you "talk" to us bloggers, as well as share such a variety of photos and videos! Yes to cats!

Leslie's Garden said...

I enjoyed the video of the cat zoomies. Cute kitty. Have a nice day. Take care.

Anvilcloud said...

Maybe all of our troubles are bc of the US. Maybe that is true for much of the world.

Got it btw. 😀

eileeninmd said...

The wind on the video sounded very loud. The reputation of the USA is not good with the current administration, sad to say. It is true. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a wonderful week ahead!

Jeanie said...

I think the only way you get protection from us is NATO -- which is the same we get from you. He's an idiot. Just sayin'... And a GREAT time to read!

Mary Kirkland said...

Have fun with your family. Always love to see what critters show up around your place.

Elephant's Child said...

Cats believe that they are the only nice thing we need...

RedPat said...

It must have been a bit of a scary drive in the wind.
I can't see the video today but it is probably my old computer being stubborn.

DrumMajor said...

Unless it was fake, I thought I just read where Canada was increasing it's defense budget. I can't stand what the jerk is doing. Please stand up to him as he tries to bully the world. I've always seen your cute videos. It's sometimes like watching the cartoons before movies back in the day, or real scenes from Wild Kingdom, up close! Something had to scare kitty into her zoomies? Linda in Kansas

The Furry Gnome said...

We had a crazy weather day here yesterday! The wind was howling all day long!

Val Ewing said...

That cost is per hour for those airplanes. Yikes, just think of it as He has to make a show of it. The optics are what matters to him.

His new thing the federal funding pause. Senior in income adjusted housing, Medicaid payments to hospitals, federally funded food pantry's, assistance for veterans, head start programs ... the list goes on and on.

Ahhh. Well, yes He is going to cause a lot of problems for the whole world.

The zoomies were much appreciated.

Red said...

You've had some nasty weather. I hope you got the snow shoveled.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I like the sign on the door:) Good month for lots of reading time!

Kay said...

I remember when we lived in Chicago and they would say, "It's just lake effect snow" as if that made it better. Snow is snow.