Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Monday was garbage day!

I went into town on Monday. The wind was throwing around the garbage cans. Mine were rolling around. I threw the can behind the fence, the recycling bin (in the ditch) I'd pick up after I shopped.

I like online orders. Stores still give me the heebee-jeebies. 

Arriving in the designated parking spot, I grabbed my phone to let them know I was there. Then, I reopened up my wounded finger. I wrapped it in a tissue, while the employee and I loaded up my car. 

Thankfully there is a First Aid Kit in the car! 

Back home, I had to bring in the garbage can and recycling bins. It was cold.

The snow blows onto the roads, and it is suddenly slippery. When it went to -14 overnight, everything froze. Black ice on the road is dangerous. 

 A storm!

Power was out for a lot of homes, very spotty, which is more difficult for Hydro to repair. I checked it to see if we should get our flashlights out! 

We are south of Perth, and kept our power.

Not everyone was so lucky. As I sat in my chair, I saw four emergency vehicles zip by, lights flashing. I wished them well., out there in the dark.

Cinnamon was bored. Nutmeg had already gone to bed all by herself. She is a loner.

We had another 7.5 cm overnight. I have some work to do! See you on the other side.

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