Saturday 12 October 2024

Saturday's Critters

💰Firstly, I am irked. I've had an issue with my credit card. It's been compromised. It is so frustrating. The bank caught it, phoned me and sent an email to contact the bank's department. The card is cancelled and they will send a new one. No money disappeared. Thankfully. It happened last May, as well. We finished watching Mr and Mrs Smith (2024) for a change of pace.  Wooh.

We were out last week in Smiths Falls. A woman got out of her car and proceeded to throw food at the gulls. This is so dumb. This only encourages them and they are big poopers.



Cooler temperatures and the critters are on the move. It's not cold enough to put out the bird feeders. The bears will still be out and about! However, Blue Jay is lobbying. Every afternoon it'll come to the railing. It is the funniest thing.

Then, I spotted a grouse out in the front yard. 


 Out by the frog pond, coyote! They keep marking the spot.


 I've been trying to capture the woodpecker who is going after the dead tree. So far, no luck!


 The deer have been gathering. They are after my hostas. They might as well. We're getting a frost soon and they will not be worth eating.


 The fawns have lost their spots. Apparently the was some grooming required!


Saturday's Critters # 565 <= if you like critters, visit Eileen's meme.


eileeninmd said...

Great critter post Jenn! I love the Grouse, awesome visitor. The deer are always favorites. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great weekend.

DeniseinVA said...

I am so sorry about your card

DeniseinVA said...

I am so sorry about your card problem. Our bank account was hacked recently. It came through an email, very official looking from our ‘bank’, hubs pressed the link and it took several phone calls to get it cleared up, because they kept getting in. The bank’s fraud department were very kind, very patient. It was one of those times he was expecting something from our bank, and he was very tired. That’s all it took, one nasty little link. Your videos are splendid! Always enjoy them. We haven’t started filling our feeders yet, but we are getting more visits. They seem to know it will be soon. The lady feeding the gulls thinks she is being kind I suppose. She isn’t really, to us or to the gulls.

Tom said...

...gulls are eating and pooping machines!

Mae Travels said...

Issues with attempted card theft are very annoying, though I give credit to the card companies for catching the frauds very quickly and protecting the card holders’ funds. We once lost money because of this anyway — because our card had been cancelled, we didn’t get a rebate that was due to us. (It wasn’t enough money to try to correct the error, if that would have even been possible). Good luck with no more of that!
Nice critters — even if the deer do eat hostas…. mae at

Barbara Rogers said...

Loved seeing all your critters doing their lives. So glad your telephoto lens capture that grouse so well!

Christine said...

So sorry about your card! Good you were alerted