Tuesday 2 April 2024

We're on a roll!

The kids helped me clean up the ditch on Saturday. I was so grateful for their help. We've spotted others cleaning up along the highway. The ditches are fairly dry, which doesn't bode well for summer. 

The tire is from a car incident, maybe the September, 2020 one. It was horrible. Seeing the tire in the ditch bothered me. Young legs managed the hilly ditches. I left the bags out for garbage day and they were all picked up. Whew!

Ditch diving I found about a half dozen holes in the side of the road. I think this is where Fred goes in the winter!

 Fred came back March 30th. I noticed him by the shed, and then he'd been digging out his hole beside the rock.  Anyway, here he is! 

Fred is back from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I went ditch diving again. There was a section I wanted to clean up. I found a pillow. 
I swear the traffic passing one another just gives me anxiety. They roar by, picking up speed. 

My total is 8 bags of refuse. The cigarette butts I let be. There are way too many, including a handful dumped at the end of our driveway. What kind of animal does that?

Back at the house, the crocus are blooming! Well, some of them. 

Phoebes are back. They are hanging outside and inside the shed. That may be their nest spot of choice for 2024.

The wood frogs are singing up a storm in the frog pond. 

Percy is a bit slow in the cold water.  Throwing food pellets in – he was not interested.

It is crocus time! The first crop are in bloom. Lots more to come!
The daffodils are doing well, despite the cold.

This is a baby bunny I nearly ran over with the lawn tractor in 2011. We have two hanging around this year. I'll bet there will be more...

I was reading out front and spotted our bunny. 


Barbara Rogers said...

Loved to see rabbit and whatever Fred is. And birds, and flowers. Good for you and crew for cleaning up the ditch. I liked hearing your wind chimes on one clip! I haven't hung mine here at the apartment, think they might be too loud for neighbors.

eileeninmd said...


Eight bags of trash, it is sad that people throw their trash out of their cars. Love the cute Bunny! Take care, enjoy your day!

RedPat said...

You are so good to do all that ditch cleaning.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for your clean up work. I really, really don't understand people who throw/leave garbage out. Love the crocus - and must plant more this year.

DUTA said...

Kids' helping clean up the ditch is priceless!
The crocus and the the daffodils, the Phoebes and the wwod frogs - brighten the day.

Red said...

It's good that you clean ditches but the main issue is how do we stop the Yahoos from throwing things in the ditch.

Anvilcloud said...

Crocuses are better than the ditch contents. :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Fun to see your Spring while we wait for ours!

Lowcarb team member said...

Well done to all on the ditch clearing/cleaning.

All the best Jan