Sunday, 24 March 2024

Heron & Halifax & Labbit

It was a bit of  shock. Three cm of snow. I didn't let it bother me, and I didn't shovel. It is going to melt this week. It was 1 ℃. and the ground isn't very frozen, not much ground frost after our high temps.

I thought I ought to talk about my heron sculpture! It is one of my favourites. 

We bought on a trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia. I remember bringing it home on the plane. They wrapped  it in bubble wrap, I'd bought it in Peggy's Cove. It was funny getting it on the plane. Awkward, I guess. But it made it. I love this bird. The other one, the little one, is a brass sculpture by Siggy Puchta. I bought that one in a Tweed gallery on time payments when I was single. I was so proud of that layaway purchase. 

2003 -ish

 It's been busy! Freezing cold, and I mistakenly left the water barrel full. Our temperatures have ranged from -12 a few days ago to 16 ℃ last week, and it is bizarre. 

The poor goldfish pond! It slowly dripped and froze. 

The skies have been interesting.

😼Cat Visitors
This is really funny. I am having no luck capturing the strange visitor cat. It's been sighted 7 km away, and surely must live somewhere between here and there. My plan was to take it to the vet and see if it had a chip. I've not caught the cat. Despite mice friends who are visiting.

It's been all set up. I've tried several times. I posted this on our local Facebook page and, either the owner has realized that the danged cat has been crossing the highway in the dark at night (dangerous) or... I dunno. I haven't see the cat for about 10 days, when we had warm weather. This is my set-up, the camera in front of the trap, just for evidence.

I laughed so hard. 

cat trap from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

What happened? A cottontail. 

I released it while JB filmed it. I knew Labbit would be out of there like a bat outta hell!

catch & release from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Val Ewing said...

What a beautiful sculpture!
I had to laugh over catching a mouse and a rabbit! Well done!

We now have two visiting cats. I know one belongs to my neighbor on the ridge and the other probably belongs to another neighbor over a half mile away.

I just shoo them away when they are hunting birds by my feeders.

RedPat said...

The poor bunny. You must have had a great laugh about that one.
I couldn't comment here earlier so I am glad that blogger let me this time.

Nancy J said...

What's the saying? " Faster than a buck rabbit?" Even one of the cats wasn't too fussy about staying to watch.

Cloudia said...

You have a nice husband. It was a pleasure to see the rabbit run to freedom. Aloha, Jenn

Anvilcloud said...

I got a mug in Halifax. 😊 We drove past Peggy's. It was raining, and we had places to be.

Christine said...

Snow be gone

tz_garden said...

Ha ha ha, he looked a little ticked before racing off! I like your sculptures, and am impressed you lugged that home on the plane.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

my Dad when a kid we would get chipmunks and take them away ...we were for sure that they would travel back ... lol!! mom loved the neighbors cat ...not sure she is around any more ... they loved the neighbors bunny ...why they would let a human pet go ... seemed odd ... i would or at least think he/she might not know how to survive out in the weather ...i guess they didn't want to take care of it any more ... but it would eat mom's weeds ...she loved that ... now she has to pull all of them. enjoy your week. ( ;

William Kendall said...

Cute rabbit!