Thursday 29 February 2024

Wednesday Storm

My massage therapist had a cancellation, which I snapped up. I realized I hadn't been there in a year! 

 We had fair warning. We expected a storm, winds, and a flash freeze. I headed home to hunker down.

The storm approached: lightning, winds, rain. The lake effect snow coming in behind was amazing. 

The lightning map was confirming what we were hearing!

Feb 28 storm from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We hunkered down to watch TV, hearing the wind outside. I was watching the thermometer. I was fascinated in the change: 

Temperature drop Wednesday

  • 2:30 p.m.    16℃
  • 3:00            14
  • 4:15              9
  • 4:25              8
  • 4:38              7 
  • 4:48              6
  • 5:00              5
  • 5;15              4
  • 5:32              3  
  • 5:45              2
  • 6:08              1
  • 6:45              0
  • 7:11              -1
  • 7:55              -2
  • 8:34              -3
As I watched, the power outages accrued. They worked on it quickly, and the next morning there were about 23,810 without power. 


RedPat said...

It was a wild day for sure. I kept waiting for our lights to go out but we were lucky.

Nancy J said...

the drop in the temperature kept to a good regime , any maths teacher would be proud of the decreases. Hope you stay safe and warm.

Red said...

That's nasty weather for everything.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a storm that hit you all, and so glad the power was fixed so quickly for some of the outages.

Barbara Rogers said...

I meant, I hope the power was fixed quickly...

DeniseinVA said...

Glad you were okay after this one. Fascinating to see the temperature drop differences.

River said...

I got all shivery just reading the temperatures going down there. I NEVER want to be that cold unless I'm dead, then it doesn't matter.

eileeninmd said...

We had a similar storm, heavy rain and thunder. And the wind took our power out for a couple of hours. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

Patio Postcards said...

Oh I envy you that massage appointment. Our little village at one time boasted at least 5 long term RMTs & now the village does seem to hold any attraction for even one to stay more than a few months. That drop in temperature was extreme even for Ontario.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

We've had days in the 80's up until a little while ago and then the temperature plunged about 45F in 11 hours.

Way out west we have big grass fires.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

It is amazing how fast temperatures drop when a front moves through.