Thursday 29 February 2024

Alternate spring!

 Tuesday was an amazing day. I opened up the door and let the fresh air in. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts. We were to have a warm day, and then a deep freeze. This morning is is -12℃. after falling very quickly during the afternoon. More on that later.

I was supposed to have a client, but they had to cancel. I spotted a photo of one of my favourite clients, I was with her for 3 years. I used to do her nails for her. We had fun, and I miss her spirit. She wanted bright red nail polish, but some of her kids said it was inappropriate! 

JB suggested we go out for lunch, since I was all dressed.  I like to dress in cheery colours for my clients.

The sky was lovely, the snow cover about half gone.

Down at the marina, the boats are in their coats. The water on top of the ice shows the warmth. 

The geese are flying in small groups. It's a bit early for them, as the water isn't thawed and there is little food. This was a drive-by shooting, from my car window! 

The snow machines sit dejectedly on the bare lawn waiting to be put away for spring.

We thought we'd try Boston Pizza. It was nice and quiet. A patio overlooking a parking lot...maybe not.

The parking lot was interesting.

It is a strange place for this truck to park. We had to drive around them. The woman said it was her husband waiting for her??!!

From there we went to Motts Mills. The roads were muddy in spots.

168 acres for sale

The melt water is flowing quickly.

sounds of spring from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Drive carefully! 


Barbara Rogers said...

It was really nice to have yesterday's warmth, while today is back to big freeze. Lovely looking outfit and I spy a Bloody Mary for lunch. Hope the pizza was good. Nice shots of ice and water. Poor critters and plants are just scratching their heads (figuratively) while our weather does it's thing.

Lowcarb team member said...

I enjoyed seeing your photographs and nice pictures of you and JB.

All the best Jan

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely look around. Good for your client to get her red nail polish and both your nail colors looked very pretty. So nice to see you and JB out and about. I also really like the fact that you dress in cheery colors. I need to get a few of my own.

River said...

That's the GOOD kind of drive by shooting :)

Anvilcloud said...

You had me looking up Motts Mills.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You are looking good!!