Friday 22 September 2023

A chair, Perth, and fall colours

It is that time of year. I added painting the teak chair to my To Do list. It took longer than I thought. It was lovely in the heat. I took a photo when I was nearly done. I used Australian Timber Oil, and I'll have to remember the colour choice, as I really liked it. Whatever was on there before has worn off. 

Poor Joseph had to come get me, as we had a 2 p.m. appointment with Rona to work on our new vanity plans. I had to rush in, wash the brush, scrub my hands, and shower. It is peculiar how stressed we get with only one appointment in the day, when our days used to be full of work deadlines. More on this later.

Videos don't work well, but this is what I did:

counter samples from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Off we went, through Perth, to Carleton Place. Now, I saw a guy riding down the highway on a bicycle, holding a coffee in one hand, and not holding onto the handlebars. When we stopped at the crosswalk, another dude riding and holding a cup of coffee, riding across the crosswalk. 

I love this home, you can see a little spot of colour in their planter on the left. 

Every year I have to check for Ontario's hunting season. Deer season is Nov. 6 - 19. Turkey season is October for bow hunting, 2nd half for shotguns.

The colours continue to inspire.

It is harvest season!

The homes in Perth are looking wonderful.

This is progressing slowly: house with fire damage <= Jan. 2023
They have torn it down. I feel so badly for them. We are working on one bathroom vanity, I cannot imagine replacing a whole house. 

We noticed this place for sale. It is huge. With a granny suite and its own entrance, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, on 12 acres. 


William Kendall said...

Lovely fall colours.

RedPat said...

That is quite a barn in the last shot.

Barbara Rogers said...

In last photo, I barely saw the house for some strange Quonset hut-roofed structure on the left...I hope that's not the granny house. It looks barn like to me.

Jeanie said...

It's hard when you get into a project and then have to abandon it for an appointment. Well done, making it all on time!

Elephant's Child said...

How I love those Autumnal colours. Perth looks lovely - and I hear you on the stress of one appointment when many used to be a matter of course.

Red said...

Sime nice old brick houses. My house is brick.

Divers and Sundry said...

What a gorgeous chair!

Those homes are lovely, though that last one (and probably all the ones pictured) are a wee bit over my price range ;)