Friday 25 August 2023

Trip to Chesterville: Smiths Falls, HWY #43

JB wanted to check out his family plots.  He thought we should go Wednesday, as there seemed to be rain forecast for the next 7 days. Southwestern Ontario was getting hammered, with heavy rains. We figured we'd be good going Aug. 23rd.

P.S. Thanks to Eileen and Karen, yes, it is a Lilac Hydrangea. I want one. Or two! It's going to take some searching, as many nurseries are done and out! I knew someone would know. I found more of them in the town of Chesterville, but I am getting ahead of myself.

 I don't know if I should group topics, or just go in chronological order. Here goes. Flip through, scroll through, it was a great day for driving and skies.

We passed the drive-in, and we'll give it a pass! Do you notice the clouds??!!

This is a sweet house in Smiths Falls. It was a social services agency of some sort, but was since sold to private owners. They have the same flag we have, Curtis Wilson's Indigenous Canadian flag. Coincidentally, more Lilac Hydrangeas!

Look at the blue sky!

More clouds above the river in Smiths Falls.

This was fun. The house had a large train set on the front!

This caught my eye, a bride of some sort. 

We carried along highway #43, and where we'd spotted a car incident when we were house hunting in 2010. We stayed in a B & B, Nestle Down, at the time. [House hunting trip #3] What do you think? More lilac Hydrangea!

They have put in a roundabout! 

It was a lovely drive, as we beat the clouds there!


eileeninmd said...

The hydrangea is beautiful. Wonderful photos from your drive.
Always nice on a pretty sky day. Take care, have a great weekend.

Barbara Rogers said...

What great trip photos! Love that you beat the rain. Lilac hydrangeas aren't around here...apparently our weather likes oak hydrangeas. Some wiley gardeners know how to get regual hydrangeas to turn blue, which depends on the pH in the soil.

Anvilcloud said...

Another fine drive. With fall coming on, I hope for a few drives as well.

RedPat said...

Lilac hydrangea must be the new thing. I have never seen it before.

Red said...

It's a nice time of year to do a drive. said...

I think the lilac hydrangea was sending you subliminal messages, you'll have to get some now.

Elephant's Child said...

What a delightful drive - and a STRONG message about a plant you have to have.

Jeanie said...

I will look forward to your posts. A road trip is always a good idea!