Tuesday 22 August 2023

🎉 Happy Anniversary!

It is our wedding anniversary, and we are bringing dinner in. I shall pick it up after my haircut. COVID numbers are rising again in Ontario. We are being careful. 

We were married on my late parents' front lawn by the lake in 2002 in Bala, Muskoka. 🥳  


It is clearly the end of summer. The caterpillars are beginning to get into chrysalis or cocoons. 

The mysterious eggs turned out to be aphids!

Then there are caterpillars, and a Viceroy butterfly.

I spotted this caterpillar last week on the swing bench. This chrysalis was under the canopy yesterday, but it attached itself to the roof fibres. It fell off, the fibres just came out, and I brought it up to the house.

It is either an Eastern Comma, or Question Mark butterfly. They like the hops. We'll see if I can get a video of it eclosing. 

Poor JB had to encourage this little tree frog to find another chair. We've enjoyed sitting out back, although it was chilly Monday!

Happy grasshoppers, being 'friendly.'  

I have decided that Fred is a male, as they don't have any teats for suckling babies. The kits are weaned by 2 months. I must say I am disappointed, although it is fun watching them. They have short lives, and are certainly apt to be roadkill. PBS says 2 - 3 years is an average lifespan, although in captivity they can live 14 years.


Fred Aug. 21 busy as a beaver from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋

Breaking the Binary

My regular morning show provided an excellent interview with a non-binary guest, Myles Sexton. They are an articulate, guest, who uses gender neutral pronouns. (I'm not too old to learn this!) 

I had a discussion with a client who believes that teachers were grooming kids to be gay. That is totally shocking to me. I said it just doesn't work that way! Heaven knows it is difficult enough as teachers  to get kids to do homework, never mind changing their gender. Our new generation knows their own minds. They deserve to be listened to and respected. 

Speaking of change... 

Guess what?


Tom said...

...congrats, have a wonderful day.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Anniversary! Take care, have a great day and week ahead.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh no, not turning trees time...!!! Heheh, I spot a couple of yellowing leaves over the road too... sigh... Fred is soooo adorable.


RedPat said...

Your wedding pic looks lovely. Happy Anniversary.

Kathy G said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anvilcloud said...

OMG! As if kids listen to teachers. Right-wing gobbledygook. BTW, the yellow jackets have arrived. We haven't got to the Gastropub patio all summer, and we may not now. This saddens me as I love breakfast at that spot.

Barbara Rogers said...

Happy happy anniversary...love the photo with you seated! And so the equinox approaches and your maples are beginning to turn! Fred definitely had his chance! Well, in our minds anyway. I agree with John Pavlovitz in my blog today, moving from "Hate has no place here" to "To hell with this hatred!"

Olga said...

Loved the wedding picture -- Happy Anniversary!

Good grief -- the totally improbable if not outright impossible things people can be led to believe.

Cloudia said...

Thank you for standing up to propaganda in a common sense way. God bless you my friend. Thank you for sharing

Elephant's Child said...

Happy Anniversary. I am glad that you spoke up to your client, but wonder whether you have changed her mind. Sadly, probably not.

Karen said...

Happy Anniversary!
My yard is surrounded by maples. The first colors are starting to show here and there too.

The Furry Gnome said...

Yes, it's changing fast towards fall here too.

Red said...

Happy anniversary. Have a great day.

Jeanie said...

Happy Anniversary, Jenn and JB! May you have many more years! (Can't believe that person really believes that.)

DrumMajor said...

You're very understanding and sensible. I think Fred may also be non-binary, eh? Linda in Kansas

Patio Postcards said...

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Lovely family photo of the big day :) I am seeing far too many & too early IMO the changing leaf colour. An encounter with a bee keeper told us, 6 weeks after the first golden rod blooms, there will be frost! Say it isn't so!!

Divers and Sundry said...

Happy Anniversary!

I'm stunned by the accusation against teachers. Really? Like that's what they signed up for. It's laughable. I'm trying to adopt gender neutral pronouns for folks when appropriate. So far, so good. I've always preferred "they" to "him" when a person's sex is unknown no matter how often I was told that male was the default in those cases.

Leaves aren't changing here yet (in Memphis, TN) but will soon. I wonder if we'll get much color this year. Ya never know...

William Kendall said...

Happy anniversary!