Monday 21 August 2023

Air traffic: here and there

 I've been watching air space in Ukraine, and so has Flight Radar. <= This is an interesting article about the different planes and radars they are using. 

Look, up in the sky!   military helicopter from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Meantime, the fires continue out west. Happily, the remnants of Hurricane Hilary are approaching B.C. and Alberta. There were 20,000 people evacuated in Yellowknife. The mayor, bless her heart, drove around looking for homeless people to get them on planes and evacuated.

Someone was tracking the planes carrying water to the fires. It is wonderful seeing so many people getting helped. 'Look for the helpers,' said Mr. Rogers.

Aug. 21


Barbara Rogers said...

That map looks like all of Canada is burning! So many fires where there were woods and wilderness! And I do hope the people of Yellowknife are all safe and can return home soon. Yes, Mr. Rogers (no relation) had a good thought!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looking at the maps of all the fires is scary:(

Powell River Books said...

We love watching planes using apps, especially since we sold our airplane back in 2019. It was the end of an era, especially for Wayne who flew and owned planes even before ours. - Margy

Elephant's Child said...

I really, really hope those fires can be put out. By the hundreds/thousands of volunteers and/or Hilary.

Tom said...

...we have fiends who live in Vancouver, they always called it the "Wet Coast!"

RedPat said...

Hopefully some of the rain from Hilary will head up to the fire locations and give a bit of a soak to the land.

Nancy J said...

I see the NZ firefighters have returned from BC. A friend here in our little township has friends in Ymer, a son a little further away, they all have evacuation plans in place and say the smoke is so thick, Scary for everyone, the site plane and the plane tracer lines, all what we would not have known years ago. Jenn, your research is always so thorough.

DUTA said...

There's nothing wonderful about fires and evacuations, planes carrying water, and firefighters struggling with the fires. It's all scary and threatening our very existence.

DeniseinVA said...

Those pilots are incredibly skilled. I am fascinated watching them but I am so sorry you are having such a horrible time up there with these fires. Bless those firefighters and other first responders. Hope everyone keeps safe including all the folks who are evacuating. Sounds like you have a jewel of a mayor in Yellowknife. The maps you have posted are very interesting and I hope things will improve soon. Thanks Jenn!

Patio Postcards said...

Interesting to know & follow the patterns of the planes. It is time we develop a dedicated fleet of air water bombers. Someone in our crowd said that as the fires all rage on, we watch all the walls & such of the new homes go up in smoke & they wondered if this was nature's response to Doug Ford/Justin Trudeau's plans for all those new homes on the greenbelt.

Anvilcloud said...

You are just plane folk.

William Kendall said...

Those military choppers are sometimes seen here.