Thursday 16 February 2023

Sunrise, and critters

The sunrise was amazing.

I spotted several mosquitos down at the frozen-ish frog pond the other day. They looked like this. The birds will be happy! It seems as if spring will be early.

Dratted Red Squirrel:

"Porcupine Chatter" is a great video made by someone I follow on our Facebook group. Sound on, for sure, they are really sweet!

Doe a deer:

doe on the driveway from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Raccoons don't hibernate, per se, but the do have extended sleeps. Depending where you are and your climate. Ours seem to sleep when the temperatures are below zero, once winter sets in.

Butch is awake! from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

😼 Oregano

Who else is awake? This is a screen capture from nearly a year ago.

He has to live somewhere nearby, but our nearest possible neighbour is a km away, across the highway. I haven't seen evidence of him since December 26th!


eileeninmd said...

Pretty sunrise, love all your critters videos. Take care, have a happy day!

Tom said...

...warmer weather is attractive, but mosquitos aren't.

Olga said...

Now I know what a porcupine sounds like!

Barbara Rogers said...

A busy nightime highway there! What's going on with the weather? Poor plants and animals, it's stilL February y'all!

Jeanie said...

Mosquitoes in February? Tell me it isn't o!

I've missed your photos and videos. I'm sorry I'm so behind in reading and commenting on blog posts (or anything else, for that matter.) Between company for a week, a Corkie do at Rick's, an ear or sinus infection and the mass shooting, I'm not functioning on any kind of reasonable schedule. I don't know that I'll ever catch up but will try to get on track.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

I especially liked the dueling porcupines.

Nancy J said...

The porcupine, sounds like he is singing Twinkle, little star!!!

RedPat said...

I hope Oregano is careful crossing the road.

Penelope Notes said...

Interesting to get a peek at night life in the wild. I wonder if these critters get cold paws in the snow!

carol l mckenna said...

My little doggie was fascinated by the porcupine video ~ thanks,

Sweet kitty and lovely deer ~ Mosquitoes ! Not ready for them yet !

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Red said...

You never know what you're going to see on that camera.

Ontario Wanderer said...

Wow! I have seen very few porcupine in my life and never, ever heard one. Thanks for sharing!

DUTA said...

No words could describe the beauty of the sunrise in your first picture!

William Kendall said...

That red squirrel is a cutie pie.

DeniseinVA said...

Much enjoyed again, thank you Jenn. I never would have thought that porcupines would have sounded like that. Fascinating!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Wow skeeters already...that must mean Spring will come soon!

Divers and Sundry said...

Seems awfully early for mosquitoes. Bummer!