Friday 7 October 2022

Zinnia, blue jay, doe a deer

I'm having anxiety issues, still. My stomach is in knots at both ends! Not to whine, but with anxiety and health issues, you must recognize them and do your best to come to terms with it. JB has been very supportive, bless him! I've been reading about other residents trying to manage a gun club in Ontario (see links below).  Then I try to put that down and go outdoors. 

Noise Complaints for Shooting Ranges

1. Residents in the area of the Orono Fish and Hunt Club (OFHC) report (June 2016 – PDF) that they are continuing to have issues with the noise levels emanating from the OFHC. They discontinued professional shooting (RCMP, MNR CP Rail) in response to the opposition. 

2. Judge orders police shooting range near Simcoe shut down and fined the owners $60,000 to be paid to neighbours. 
3. Noise Issues for Shooting Ranges "The most common complaint received by gun clubs and ranges across Canada is noise. Unfortunately noise complaints from neighbours have also resulted in range closures through municipal government actions. Often these ranges were in place for years or decades before the homes of those complaining were built. "


I've decided not to grow zinnias next year, they really didn't amount to much. Non-mental note! My planters have been hit or miss these days. Instead, I replaced them with the pumpkin that Butch gnawed.

The blue jays seem to have good memories. They are landing on the railing looking for food. We haven't put any out for the birds, since bear has been around. One year I left out a pot with peanuts. How dumb was that?! And Butch raccoon knocked it over (see below). Blue jay took advantage.

I was watching as the jay seemed to come to the window demanding food!

Blue jay from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Thursday morning boded well for rain! However, no rain. I woke to rain today, we'll see how well the goldfish pond refills. I'd like just enough to cover up the water lily plants. We'll see. It's going to be cold overnight (2 C.). 

It's hit and miss with trailcams.

turkeys from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

They always seem to begin to run as if afraid of missing out on food!

The young buck was by.

backyard buck from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

P.S. I had my Spikevax yesterday, 10 minutes in and out. No symptoms, not even a sore arm! 


Barbara Rogers said...

Great you got some rain. I enjoy so much seeing your critters each morning when I'm drinking my first (or second) cup of Joe.

William Kendall said...

That buck gave you quite a stare.

Anvilcloud said...

I think your wish for rain is coming true.

Tom said...

...the world needs fewer guns.

RedPat said...

I would be worrying about bullets flying around as well as the noise. There should be controls in place about where they can locate.

Nancy J said...

For a very short time, our temperatures seem to overlap, 2C here also.!!! Love the Bluejay, a lovely colour . Gun clubs, maybe with all the protest and reasons, this one will not go ahead.

Elephant's Child said...

I am sorry about your anxiety levels and know that I would be feeling it too. And love the blessings of the natural world around you.

Olga said...

I was walking in a neighborhood that is quite near the river and came upon seven turkeys in someone's yard. They didn't seem to appreciate my intrusion, but they did not go far, just waited for me to pass them by.

Lorrie said...

Rain would be most welcome here these days, too. Bluejays are such pretty birds. Wild turkeys are fun to watch on the trail cam. Hope your anxiety subsides soon.

Lowcarb team member said...

The colours of your trees are looking good.

All the best Jan

Jeanie said...

Those skies are beautiful. I would be with you on the gun club -- it's good to know others have been shut down. Those smart birds!

Ontario Wanderer said...

All the gun shot noise from our area is from hunters in spite of most of the land being posted and the fact that we are within 5 k of the nearest village. There is really not enough space to shoot in any direction according to my gun upbringing in the States. (Yes I had a gun when I turned 12 and was pleased to be better at target shooting than the rifle instructor when I moved to Michigan in my early 20's. That being said, the rifle stayed at home in Kansas when I left as a teen and I have never owned a gun since.)

Red said...

You're bent out of shape and it's not your fault. It sounds like these guys sneaked in the back door.

Angie said...

Jenn - sorry to hear you are suffering from anxiety, and how brave to share it! Several years ago, a few residents in our Homeowners Association wanted to make a change to the bylaws to allow personal shooting ranges. My oh my! The stress it caused, and the animosity/divisions among neighbors. I am not sure we have healed completely from that experience! (And no change was made, thank goodness!) We have so many turkeys around this fall!

Divers and Sundry said...

Our blue jays have deserted us for some reason, but there's always hope they'll return. The mockingbirds are back for the suet now that natural food is less available.

The whole gun issue sounds stress- and anxiety-reducing :(