Cinnamon has been such a character. He sleeps on the cat bed in the office. We enter the room, and ask if he wants to go 'walkies.' He'll rouse himself. He knows the word. He'll stretch, take his own good time, but come to the door for the walk.

I love this old white pine tree. JB took Cinnamon walkies, and up he went. His little camera isn't great, but you get the idea.
The old pine tree is falling apart. It's such a shame. But we're all getting older and falling prey to time. This tree is on Lot #3. It's a great place to play, once the bugs are done. It's both forest and wetland.
JB returned from walkies and noticed Cinnamon on the front deck. Behind him, crossing the driveway, were some wild turkeys. As I went for my woods walk, I picked up a feather. "Aha!" said I, hoping they are on a trailcam. I tucked the feather behind my ear and carried on. As I walked, I found my ear was somewhat irritated and wondered why. Oh yes, that's the feather. Isn't old age grand?! Short memories and all.
I made a mistake editing the video. The first part of this video is one of the inexpensive trailcams in the forest, the second part is an older, more expensive camera with double the batteries (at the far end of the frog pond). This is a lesson. People often ask me to recommend a trailcam. I tell them to buy the best you can afford! wild turkeys
The meadow trailcam had 23 videos on it. I was most excited when I uploaded it. I edited them down, and will show the rest tomorrow. In the meantime, it shows one of our fawns with the turkeys.
...we had a bit of rain this morning too!
The last vid of the fawn and turkeys is pleasant and peaceful.
Lots of turkeys and they seem oblivious to the fawn who " quietly grazes" .
Hi Jenn .. I get such a kick out of Cinnamon .. what a character indeed.
You live in such a beautiful area(especially when the bugs aren't bad ? LOL)
It is wonderful to have those trial cameras .. to see the animals and birds interacting is a bonus ! Love the fawn and the turkeys !
Take care and stay well !
Cool 😎
The fawn and turkeys seem to get along well.
Cinnamon is such a cutie!
I did enjoy the video of the turkeys with the fawn :)
All the best Jan
Enjoying your turkeys. I have not seen any on our property for a long time but have seen a few feathers so I know they are around.
Super post
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