These go back to last week, Dec. 24th. It was a warmish day, the greens stood out from the browns. There has been so much going on!

This is our 'nanny tree'. The birch grew up in the stump, but the stump is deteriorating.

We're having a bit of a problem with the kittens. I think they are older than previously thought. We're having to separate them. He is constantly grabbing her neck and trying to mount her. Their birthday is June 30th. They aren't scheduled for surgery until Feb. 12th (they are a busy vet service!).
Howling, screaming, jumping on her, bringing Annabelle to the rescue. I keep throwing one of them into the Muskoka Room, with the outer cat door locked. Oh my.

...this looks like my beloved Adirondack Mountains.
Sounds like it might be a long month with those kittens.
All the best for a new decade.
And the female is showing no sign of being in heat?
you know Jenn this weather is driving us all crazy with the hot one minute and cold the next? No wonder everyone around us is sick with colds?
Sweet kitties ~ and photos ~ you keep Mom busy ~ Hope you were safe and warm during the storm ~ Xox
Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Haha!!! I have to laugh, as this morning we woke to a stray? cat at our window.Another boy, maybe part siamese, definitely someone's cat, but he has been wandering up and down the street for a few weeks. The joys of boing a cat lover, it brings all sorts of trials and delights. Hope you are keeping warm, we have drizzle and a cold wind.
gosh, lots going on for sure!
Lots of good light and shadows in your bush.
She is showing signs of being fertile, John. It's a bit weird.
It is nice to have warm weather for a winter walk. I hope the kitties calm down. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!
It can be chaos with kitties going through hormones .. I get what you are going through !.. ear plugs might help ? LOL
But what gorgeous kids they are ..true sphinx posing with pride ? haha
I am a tree hugger ... I would be so busy in your area, hugging trees ! ;-)
Love the shot of the stacked tree shrooms .. beautiful!
Watched the video of the fisher ? yup, I agree, marking the box for their territory !
Annabelle is a sweetie.
Love the area you live in .. you are very lucky indeed !
Take care
Yes, that's going to be a long month.
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