In Ottawa, they had a tornado go through on Sunday. Meanwhile, they are still cleaning up the horrific flooding. There are many great stories about people helping people.
A Renfrew man who moved out to Calgary 10 years ago has come back to the Ottawa Valley to help vacuum up flood-waters in Constance Bay. Terry Rawn's Hydrovac can move 10 cubic metres of water in 5 minutes.— CBCOttawaMorning (@OttawaMorning) June 3, 2019
June 2nd was a pretty wet day. It was chilly in the morning. Hooper got into his little house. He is happier outside at night.
You have to picture me, standing in the bay window, having climbed over the back of the couch, with Annabelle assisting, trying to get his photo! JB sat in his chair, watching tennis, and laughed at us.

At the sale in Fallbrook they gave me some free clover seeds! They were just the thing.

I went to the store and bought myself 15 bags of top soil. My mistake? Putting all 15 bags of dirt on the wagon prior to checking the tires. I had to pump them up. Even so, I could hardly drag the wagon to the backyard.

I don't water the grass. We're on well water and it's not a good idea to waste water that way. We lost all this grass last year.

NO helpers, but then, it was raining... The next day Hooper thought he'd try it out. He's a Lanark boy, doing his thing outdoors.

It was good exercise, in the rain, with the mosquitoes.
My bean plant is doing well.

Zucchini and pumpkins have survived. The squash is still hiding.

I bought myself a new Rhododendron. Wish me luck!

I have news about the robins. They are on brood #2. For the whole nest saga, visit this page: 🐣Robin red-breast.

June 3rd
I was working out in the basement, when I spotted him 'doing' her, in the pouring rain! I checked the nest awhile later, and there she was.Robin in the rain
I nearly forgot about Maggie! She is well-wrapped with chicken wire and fencing. She's dates from 2012: Mother's Day is overrated, at my age.
And the gerbera!
I went into town for a haircut. This stunning woman got out of her car. As I sat having my hair done, the Pride Parade made its way down the street. There were several professional drag queens in the parade, so says my hairdresser. I couldn't see as I was in the chair being done. I'm sorry I missed it.
My new haircut! Short for summer.
I had my summer pedicure, too. Sadly, I've already ruined one big toe!
Hari OM
Love the new hair-do and toe colour! What a shame to miss the parade. Meanwhile, I am taking the fact that am down and out with a lurgy as an opportunity to listen to Cricket World Cup and watch French Open Tennis. Something good has to come out of laryngitis and 'wabbitness', right?! YAM xx
We made it to June, enjoy!
Love the cute kitty and the robin. We are having a chilly morning, I hope the plants survive. The gerbera bloom is pretty. Good luck with your rhodo! We are on well water too, we are careful with are water. Wishing you a happy day!
Hi Jenn :) Nice haircut!! :) I don't have the guts to go lower than shoulder level for my hair! I had it short in the 90's when it was really in style, but have had it long now for decades! I do think about shortening it in those hot humid summer months - WILL THEY ARRIVE??? Sigh...your garden looks so pretty! I have 2 pumpkin patches (small ones) for "carving" pumpkins and one for sugar/pie pumpkins. Last year I only got 4 but I'm hoping for more this year, I'm really going to baby them. They really need some sun though! I read about the tornado, that doesn't usually happen in the Laurentians here, but you never know with our wacky weather systems!
We are in the mid-teens. I say anything double digit is sunbathing weather, but the cool breeze today says not yet. The forecast for next week is 24 and the summer is supposed to be hotter and drier. Not good news for the fire season. - Margy
Super new haircut, and the Rhodo, it looks great there with hosta and iris. We miss our HUGE orchard and shudder at the price of feijoas, $7.99 a kg, then passionfruit, a massive 39.99 a kg. Raining again, the second set of wonderful windows have gone in, counting down.
Good haircut!
I would have been in the retreating edge of that storm that passed through late Sunday afternoon.
looking good Jenn. Those mosquito's are huge!!
Summer yard work never ends. If we like it we're having fun. If we don't like yard work the summer is a drag.
Jenn - nice haircut! I do my own pedicures, and I have learned the hard way to do them early in the day, and to do "inside" stuff so that they have a chance to fully dry! I am curious about your comment about well water - are you charged for your well water - or what is the reason for not using it to water?
Free clover seeds? Good for you! Clover symbolizes luck and is associated with the Feng Shui phylosophy.The 4-leaf clove which is hard to find, is considered a lucky charm. I used to have a piece of jewelery in the form of a 4-leave clove.
@Angie, I cannot see well enough, nor reach to do my toes properly. Besides, it is relaxing to go to the spa!
In August, when things get dry, and we like to ill the pool, that's when I don't water the lawn.
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