August weather was dry.
We're still in a mild drought. My weather data over the years reflects an ebb and flow of heavy rains or drought. The meadow is still lush, as the evening dew wets the weeds. We've had deer, raccoons, and momma turkey, with only a few babies. I'm thinking the coyotes have been eating well!

There is a massive build in town. I've been taking photos since April, 2018.

In town gardens are thriving. I like this house. They work hard on the gardens. I keep meaning to pop in and tell them. It's eye candy as we drive by.

Sen. John McCain
Yesterday we watched Sen. John McCain's funeral. It was very moving. The music was amazing, many hymns and anthems I've sung when I was in a church choir. We both wept. However, when I saw this priest taking a selfie with Pres. Bush, I snorted. Pres. Obama just walked on by.

Almonte Hydro Dam
The Almonte Hydro Dam is being completed. I've been taking photos since September, 2014.![]() |
Almonte Hydro Dam |
Bala Falls Hydro Dam
Doug Ford is the Ontario Premier (brother of the late, infamous mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford).The big news was the Druggie Ford, as they call him, has set us back many years in terms of cancelling our modern Health & Phys. Ed. and Indigenous Peoples curriculum, money for school building maintenance, and yet he didn't make any of these planks in his platform public before being elected. What is truly, truly funny, is that he whipped up from Toronto to Bala (200 km) during the election, and promised them he'd cancel the hydro project. Some of the locals don't want the project completed. Especially the family in the cottage directly opposite the dam!
Now, as you can see, the rebuild of the Bala Falls hydro dam is well on its way to being done. I began covering it in 2008. Ford has gone from a campaign visit promising he'll cancel it, to saying he can't –as it will cost $100 million. Not to mention that there would be a big hole there! I think I'd like to visit it!
It's coming together, piece by piece. Each component is carefully designed and custom fabricated in a marvel of engineering and construction artistry. #balafalls #hydropower #madeincanada
Progress at Bala's power plant.— SwiftRiverEnergyLtd (@BalaFallsHydro) July 31, 2018
Hari OM
Yeah, Sept 1 rolled over and the leaves on the beech trees woke up turning yellow right on cue! It's full autumn today over the Hutch... YAM xx
The real tragedy is when parents are predeceased by children (Sen. McCain's mother). Nowadays, it happens a lot, because of high rate longevity. In this case the senator (rip) was at a relatively respectable age, but there are many instances of untimely deaths of people predeceasing their parents, and it's breaking hearts.
As usual, the first few days back at school will be hot. This seemed to be the case every year when I was teaching. After those first few days, we usually had pleasant weather.
BTW, apparently we had more precip than average this August.
I typed a comment earlier but now I see this blank window open, so I'll just send this link and forget the rest of the comment. I am permitted to forget as I am now as of today, 71 years old.
I did watch part of the funeral.
We didn't have that much rain, Anvilcloud! We're in a drought in Lanark County, and had only 48 mm total for August! Ottawa gets the Lake Effect clouds from the Great Lakes (102 mm)!
I also saw part of the funeral,mainly his daughter's moving Eulogy,A selfie, how rude to do that. Your grass is still very green, and progress continues for power, hydro that is.
September (and late August) has brought us some much needed rain. Not enough to quell the forest fires, but at least some better fighting conditions. Wayne and I have some good news to share. On August 31 we were invited to take our oath of Canadian citizenship in Parksville. After ten years of living in Powell River as permanent residents, we can now call it our forever home. That is so exciting. - Margy
When the kids go back to school it's a little bitter sweet. Some things get quieter and others get noisy. My street leads to a school so traffic picks up once school starts.
I did see a notice that August was a typical month for us precipitation wise.
If you get a chance, try to take in the Impressionist Treasures exhibit downtown at the Gallery. It wraps up Sept. 9th. I went again yesterday.
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