Friday, August 31
These are the mornings I like for going back to school! The kids don't mind being in school, if it is cool.I was up late, 7:00. Izzy was up first. Grampa and Isabelle were having coffee together. (It was chocolate milk!)

Grampa ordered blueberry pancakes for her for breakfast! Jos woke up at 7:23. She had toast.
We watched some cartoons, then Wild Kratts. We did a massive tidy and pack. Their bedroom, playroom area, the guest room (which is our craft room), and the living room.
Jos was amazing. And speedy. She had already packed, and it took Izzy and me a little longer to do their living room bedroom. Jos went into the play area in the basement and finished that. Then, she went upstairs and worked alone on the living room. She was amazing.
Once chores were done, they went outside to play. They caught some frogs, and played around the goldfish pond. It had warmed up to 23 C., by this point.

Once we had lunch, we were off to Perth Fair! It runs Friday afternoon to Monday, as this is a Labour Day long weekend for Canada.
Perth Fair
We had a blast. First, we parked. All of us got our bracelets. Then, we went to the ticket cashiers. We bought them unlimited ride bracelets. (I know!)On the way we spotted them watering the pathway. We've been pretty dry.

The fun thing is that our girls just returned from their epic Around The World trip. They went to Universal Studios in Osaka. Izzy and Papa did the big rides. Jos is a little more reluctant. This was tame for Isabelle, but she got into the swing of things.

The bumper car was a failure for Izzy. She got frustrated, and couldn't make it work. They went back, and Jos offered to drive while Izzy navigated. That was better. I felt so sad when she was in tears.

They didn't go on these three!

The Cliff Hanger was a hit. As we stood there, we noticed a family of four beside us. It turns out our GP and his family were there. You can see him in the photo above, white shirt, near the ferris wheel. As the girls lined up, he jokingly said, 'No worries, your doctor is right here!'
Dr. D's wife and two older children were in the seats in front of our girls. The mom looked only slightly worried. Dr. D said no way he'd do it!

Crazy mirrors!

We rested in front of the games. This was motivation...

Jos photos, again. She good with the camera!

Poor Izzy had trouble with the darts. The nice red-headed man must have taken pity on the little red-headed girl. He gave her two extra darts. (They were 3 for $5.) She was upset with the wee prize. I took it for her. She was happier to have it later.
Jo won a little stuffed donut for $5 at the balls-in-a-basket game. Grampa said that was enough money. He was right!

Grampa said one more ride. Jos was done, though. Jos didn't want to do this one, but relented. I was worried about Isabelle sitting in it alone. Iz lost her headband, but recovered it. Josephine slid all the way into Isabelle, which they found painful but hilarious!

There was nothing of interest in this building, but we looked. Tupperware, et al!

Of course... who can resist?

Izzy and Grampa waited in line for face painting. We'd figured out our timing, we had to return to the house, pack the car, have a snack, and drive to meet Momma. We had time! Jos and I went into the building next door.

By the time we returned, Isabelle was getting done. Jos took these photos. This is our local youth club, YAK. Most people were putting in coinage. Josee put in the $10 Grampa gave her. They are a great group.

Finally, home, we rested. Then, we were ready to leave for the hostage exchange in Carleton Place. We shall miss the pitter patter!
Here are the videos, for Momma and Papa. We're sure they want to see them! All of the staff for the games were wonderful with our kids.
This was the best!
They weren't interested i this at first, but once they'd done Cliff Hanger 3 or 4 times, they were up for it.
Fun slide from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
I could not imagine me at any age, on any one of those except the safe slide!! And the cars,The girls are so brave and very,VERY courageous to go on those fun things. The dodgem cars, I remember them when I was about their age, they are such fun. Quiet, no chattering, you will miss them so much, time for you both to rest with your feet up, coffee and a good book or even tennis.
You are right, Jean! Grampa taped the tennis with Shapovalov and Ranoic yesterday. We made it to the end of Shapeau's game, began Ranoic's and we were both nodding off. This morning, with coffee, we are finishing it up!
What wonderful memories were made of these special times, thanks for sharing Jenn!
Hope the girls are over their jet lag and rested up in time for school. What an amazing summer they have had!
Hari OM
I too am not a fan of 'rides', though did love the dodgems in my youth! Izzy the tigress is fabulous, and Jos appears to have lost weight, or is simply in that change from little kid to big kid...both girls are 'lengthening'! Am having a noisy day as the European Water Skiing Championships are taking place right outside the Hutch's windows!!! (Can hardly see a thing, but LOTS of grunt and roar of jet boats. sigh...)
YAM xx
It sounds as if you've all enjoyed your time together!
These kids will be ready for school and a little peace and quiet.
I love the fair, but we missed it this year due to our travels - glad I got to live it vicariously through you. The "tears" comment reminded me of a time when our daughter (probably 7 or 8 at the time) was in a small boat with its own paddle, and the idea was to paddle around a moat. She struggled mightily to get the boat to go straight, and there were a lot of tears, but she refused to give up! Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!
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