Sunday 30 September 2018

Long Sault for lunch

It was quite the trip. Through  to Brockville. A good drive, rain on and off.
It was successful: We have new fishies! My big project, to decide on a warm enough day to bring the fish in. It's not fun playing in water on a cold day. I've made that mistake before.
It's a lot of work. It should be done on a sunny day. After a summer of drought, September has been nothing but rain! The photos are from 2016. The aquarium looks heartwarming in the dark days of winter!

To answer questions:
@Jean  –The bullfrog, and the other 20 frogs, will bury themselves in the mud once the water is cold. They have something like antifreeze in their systems to prevent them from dying. That said, if we have much of a freeze/thaw, it can kill them.
@Olga – It's true that fish grow to the size of their container. I'm not sure whether it limits their size half the year indoors! It's a good question.

There were lots of geese landing on the St. Lawrence River. They gather in the big waterways, until it's time to go further south.
We were 20 minutes from our destination of Cornwall.
Stratocumulus undulatus clouds!

It was packed! The staff were running like mad. We were originally at another table, and ended up moving away. I figured they'd be a loud group, which they were! There were two groups of six, as well as several couples. I poked my head into the kitchen and thanked the testy cooks for lunch. The server said she was staying out of there as much as possible!
The food wasn't as good as last time, or the times before. Ah well.

We have an municipal election coming on Oct. 22nd.

Hydro continues to work on repairs. They were big winds.

From there, to Cornwall

A defunct motel.

I loved the signage. "Swimsuit season is over...we have desserts."

Hallowe'en is coming?

We are happy to be in Canada. We shall not be travelling to the US. I cannot understand how the US Administration thinks that we would think that their dairy farmers livelihood would be more important than our farmers. Just sayin'.

Lots of construction.

We drove into one town, and stopped the car. You don't see this every day!!!

We were happy to be home. The fishies like the new pond. They come running when I feed them.


Crafty Green Poet said...

Glad you got your new fish!

Nancy J said...

So glad the frogs have inbuilt antifreeze.We were told a long time ago not to crack the ice on top of the goldfish pond, as the noise sends waves down, and the fish can die? Not sure if that is true, as down here where we are it has only iced right over once, and there were no fish there then. A lovely drive, those autumn colours are showing up so much now for you.

Christine said...

Soon it will be trick or treat time!

Kay said...

I hope you get some warm weather before the snow starts. I would love some cooler weather here in the hot, humid tropics.

Anvilcloud said...

Gotta love that East Sides sign, and they usually serve good food too.

We have to hope for some nice days in the next two weeks, so we can get some good autumn photos.

Red said...

With the second last photo I thought you might have gone to England very quickly before you got home!

William Kendall said...

Some very brooding skies!