A squash has seeded itself on the back lawn. I've been mowing around it.

Mason bees and wasps.

Forest walkies

Annie walkies

Trailcam tails
A nice buck in the backyard, wild turkeys, a porcupine.

Down at the path beside the frogpond: a raccoon, Daisy, and two coyotes!

Certainly a lot of night time activity. I think I might be surprised at animal activity going on outside my condo. I have seen deer tracks and earlier in the summer a bear was seen in the development. Rabbits, chipmunks, and squirrels abound.
I haven't heard my coyotes in awhile. I guess they have gone into hiding now that the hunt camps back of me are busy. We haven't seen a raccoon or porcupine in some years. I'm pretty sure there is a fox visiting my compost pit at night. We used to have a pair that would sit on a rock and wait for me to come out after dinner to top up the pile. As soon as I walked back toward the house they would DIVE in to check out the goodies.
Our turkeys come and go. Mom and the young'uns are usually on the side of the road at the end of the driveway. Perhaps my dog is keeping them out?
There are healthy looking tomato and potato plants growing in the compost heap. Sure would love to have a lovely squash like yours!
Wonderful wildlife caught in the dark. I haven't seen a porcupine in years!
busy times with the trail cams. Those bushy tails, Annabelle's as well, love them, the coyotes must be so daring to come in close by.
Great post, enjoyed all your nature shots and animals, etc. and Annie's walkies. She is a pretty cat. The frog was a handsome one as frogs go too. The travel shots were and are always interesting. Happy weekend to you Jenn.
That's such a pretty frog. Loving your fall colors.
We had a racoon come on the cabin deck about fifteen years ago. It's probably a good thing that they haven't come back. We also had something like a weasel or mink that annoyed us for a few days, then too off. The woodrats are bad enough. - Margy
Annie walks and Annie climbs!
Things are very busy on your property.
Today I moved our trail cam 'cause it just wasn't capturing anything (I put it near a site with fresh beaver cuttings, but he didn't come back for the last week or so). What I wouldn't give for a porcupine!!!
Isn't that a lovely colour frog!
All the best Jan
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