Wed., Sept. 26th
A lovely day to get out of the house and drive. It rained on and off all day! We were headed to Cornwall to buy some goldfish. It's a couple of hours there, and 154 km. What the heck.

The clouds were pretty, changing even as you watched.

My usual post in the drive-by photo!

Hubby loves these porches.

After our tornadoes, so many worked so hard!

It's Autumn!
An artist's studio.

I've never seen barriers with plexiglass in them! This is along the #401, intended to protect the houses from noise.

Don't you love these signs? They draw your attention away from the road, though! I'm just sayin'!

A heron rookery, which has done its duty for the summer.

Southeastern Ontario Farms... with a dairy industry that doesn't have hormones. Nothing personal, USA #45, but no, we don't need your dairy products, and no, we haven't "taken advantage of" you, and your goods and services. Minister Freeland is doing a fantastic job. "Competence and honesty, in our elected leaders, matters." she said to her conference of female foreign ministers.

Stratocumulus undulatus clouds.

I would love a swing set like this! It's beautiful!
From here, CR2, we went to Long Sault for lunch, then, finally, Cornwall.
Long Sault for lunch
A good drive, rain on and off.
It was successful: We have new fishies!
It was successful: We have new fishies!
I've never seen a fence like it.
Beautiful. We did that drive a lot when I was kid. My Da had ties to Brockville.
Drive by everything here and lots of comments.
Quite a drive!
I have seen some of the barriers on the 417 in the city have those panels that are see through. I think when they replace a section now that might be the go-to for it.
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