What a wonderful, spur-of-the-moment Vancouver tour! We drove in to the Ottawa airport (an hour's drive) and flew 4364 km west across four provinces. It sure was good to get away from appointments, and routines.
I had hundreds of photos to sort through (800+). I think I have carpel tunnel syndrome from doing this!!! I've organised my postings, links below, as I'm not posting in order of our itinerary! They are much fun for us to look back at, and review the photos. Our Ottawa kids have been camping in Algonquin Park for 4 days, too. They've missed my posts this past week! Here is the summary.
Aug. 8, Saturday afternoon: On the spur-of-the-moment, we checked flights and decided to fly that evening to Vancouver. We arrived at
00:45 a.m. and found a hotel. Not so easy.
Love that furrowed brow! |
Aug. 9, Sunday morning: Up at the crack of dawn, we didn't have too much jet lag. Jess picked us up at the first hotel in Richmond, Sunday morning. Then he took us to his place downtown. He had to leave for a gig: a matinee for Les Mis.
They had great reviews, and they finish tomorrow. Laureen, his MIL, turned up for a visit. It was good to see her.
In Vancouver...
The kids loaned us their 2nd car, a convertible Cabriolet, since Jess rides his bike to the theatre, and that was a great treat. It's a classic car, 25 years old, and he's earned himself a classic licence plate.
It was especially wonderful seeing
Our newest granddaughter, Cluny. (That makes three granddaughters!)
Selfie, or Ussie, in Jess' car! |
Sunday afternoon: We took
a nice long walk up Commercial. Fun being in the city. After a lovely visit, we decided to hoof it to our hotel in Steveston. It was fun driving the kid's car!
Checked in to our reserved hotel, all was well. Lights out pretty early! I like
Vancouver and Richmond city streets. The cedars are amazing.
Aug. 10, Monday morning: We let the kids have a mid-morning brunch, while we toured around a bit. JB tried to find a book.
Shopping, Steveston, the Richmond ...
Monday afternoon: Off to
Bloedel Conservatory, VanDusen Gardens
Bloedel Conservatory Birds the photos were much fun. People taking pictures, too!
Fun making her giggle! |
Aug. 11, Tuesday morning: We tootled around and visited
Steveston Dyke (same photo post as above!).
Tuesday afternoon: Our trip down on the docks, we met there, and
another terrific lunch with the kids!
We ambled down to another spot, a new development
The Village at Imperial Landing, that looked a bit underdeveloped. The birds were amazing.
Aug. 12, Wednesday morning: The park:
Everett Crowley Park in Vancouver.
Wed. afternoon: the show, dinner with Jess, who was between shows.
Into Vancouver to see Les Mis
our newest girl! |
Aug. 13, Thursday morning: Back to the airport. Missed the 9:00 a.m., 10:30 (they were full!) and caught the 12:30 flight to Toronto. That got us going in the right direction. Then, we made the 10:30 p.m. flight back to Ottawa. After arrival, an hour drive home!

When we
arrived at YOW airport, the cabbies were protesting the higher fees for the privilege of picking up passengers at the airport. The noise was bizarre, at midnight.
You can listen here!
It's a busy time of year for travel. These folks were waiting for a flight in a Richmond hotel, to get to their cruise. There were a lot of Americans here doing just that! But we are home. And resting up!
Hari OM
A really nice round up Jenn! Your wee grandie is truly cutesome &*> YAM xx
It's good to get away but there's no place like home!
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