As for outbreaks, there are now 7, all in congregate care facilities, accounting for 112 cases. That’s up by one from the last report. (Jan. 5th)
October 2022
September 2022
They keep updating August with more data.
July brought an increase in Omicron BA.5.
July 14 and July 18th.
Then there are staff absences. There are shortages in hospitals, where staff there are able to access a more costly PCR test. Our dippy premier thinks that we will be fine, since hospitals now have more space, and COVID is treatable. 🤦
May 27 |
May 24 |
They've changed it, yet again.
APRIL 2022
Interview with Mark Fisher, trustee at Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB). In the 6th wave: OCDSB votes to reinstate masking for all. They have the authority according to the Education Act, occupational health & safety act.
April 8 – OCDSB: Bell H.S. with 20% absences; Lakeview 13%.
April has been gruesome. School absences have been increasing. The rapid test doesn't work well in identifying positive BA.2 cases. We aren't testing many with the PCR test.
Bell H.S. April 2nd, 11.5 % absent. (Most kids in her classes are masking.)
Lakeview 12.7% absent.
Cambridge 20 %
St. Monica 34%
MARCH 2022
COVID–19 numbers in the hospital are continuing to rise. We're not testing, except for extreme cases or hospitalizations. Wastewater tests are rising. The news I read, from reputable sources, told me that the new variant, BA.2/BA.2.2, can present as norovirus, with gastrointestinal symptoms.
Our big March 9th announcement is that March 21st, face masks are no longer mandatory in most settings. This is ridiculous. March Break is from March 12 => March 20. Kids who travel have to wear masks according to federal rules and regulations. Why couldn't they just delay this two weeks? A lot of families travel.
Our health unit is only posting data on Mon./Wed/Fri. these days.
Jan 31st – another death
Jan. 26 – 118 new cases.
Jan. 24 – 21 in hospital, another death.
Later, 15:30, they changed the data from 21 in hospital, 7 in ICU and 74 deaths:
to 22 in hospital, 6 in ICU and 73 deaths...
Jan. 21
I finally realized, reading the fine print, they are only reporting Monday/Wednesday/Fridays.
After two years of data, our health unit has decided not to report cases by location, since they are only testing people with symptoms, and in hospital. It was a trend, knowing which regions have more COVID than others. I am most discouraged.

People are really ticked off that the Ontario government won't provide enough tests and COVID counts in schools. They are not going to report a school with COVID until there is a 30% absentee rate.
June 14th they stopped reporting totals. We've no idea how many are recovered. |
Jan. 14th ↗ 24 in hospital, 16 outbreaks, 26 active cases
Jan. 13th –↗ 18 in hospital
Long-Term Care
This information is up to date as of the afternoon of Wednesday, Jan. 12. COVID-19 OUTBREAKS
• Kemptville Retirement Living — declared Jan. 10
• Carleton Place Terrace — declared Jan. 10
• Fairview Manor (Almonte) — declared Jan. 6
• Rosebridge Manor (Jasper) — declared Jan. 3
• Perth Community Care — declared Dec. 30
• Lanark Lodge (Perth) in the Evergreen unit — declared Dec. 27
• Rideau Ferry Country Home has a declared a respiratory syncytial virus outbreak — declared Dec. 29, 2021.
Jan. 11 – ↗ 1719
Jan. 10 – ↗ 1698
Jan. 7, 2022
Jan. 6 – ↗ 1558
Jan. 5 – ↗1526
Jan. 4th – ↗ 1479
Jan. 3rd – back to work
Last week, Thursday, Dec. 30th, Dr. Moore (Chief Medical Officer), announced that kids weren't going back to school Jan. 3rd. The Education Minister was AWOL, as well as the Premier. A shock to parents.
The Premier has come back from the cottage, for a planned 10 a.m. presser, changed to 11 a.m. at 9 a.m.
Jan. 1st –
Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit: 251 new cases
"On December 31, 2021 testing for COVID-19 was limited to the most vulnerable individuals and individuals associated with high risk exposure settings. This means that confirmed cases will significantly underestimate the true number of people currently infected with COVID-19 in the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit region. From this point forward, information from the daily COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboard should not be compared to dates before these testing criteria changes.

🎄DECEMBER 2021 – ended at 1008 cases
Dec. 31 –
↗ no local official reports today... This is what I gleaned from Ottawa CTV news:
From CTV Ottawa:
- Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit: 248 new cases
Dec. 30 – ↗ 760
Dec. 29 – ↗ 635
We had 65 cases from previous 24 hours; 50 cases added to the day before. They cannot keep up.
Ottawa Paramedic Outbreak – The outbreak is linked to a large party at a restaurant in Ottawa on Dec. 15. To date, 53 members of the Ottawa Paramedic Service have tested positive for COVID-19, including paramedics and support staff. Eight new positive cases were reported in a memo on Tuesday.
There are also 139 close contacts of the 53 people who tested positive.
Dec. 28 – ↗ 556
Home is still safer. Our COVID numbers are shocking here in Leeds, Grenville, Lanark Health Unit. We had 253 total cases last Thursday: 542; on Monday, 556 cases Tuesday. (They don't post on holidays or weekends.) The last time it was this high was Dec., 2020, when it was at a peak of 314 cases.
Dec. 27 – ↗ 542 the health unit did not report over Christmas Eve to Boxing day. Dec. 2020 our totals were 314.
Forty-five new cases added in past 24-hours and 330 cases added to previous days for a total of 375 cases added since the last report.
Dec. 24 – they don't update on weekends, I did read online:
Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit: 106 new cases
Dec. 23 – Active cases today: 253 – 78 new and 44 recovered since yesterday
Dec. 22
Dec. 21
Article on rapid covid tests: “With a rapid test, a positive is a positive,” said Dr. Eric Arts, a virologist and immunology professor at Western University. “A negative is not a definitive negative. You may still be infected, regardless of what the rapid test shows you.”
Dec. 20
Dec. 17th
Yesterday health officials went on air, at the news conference, they said we need a circuit breaker to reset and get a handle on this. The politicians are not doing what is in our best interests, more keen on re-election.
Dec. 16
Dec. 14
Dec. 13th
- Stittsville's St. John Paul II Catholic Elementary School closed due to COVID, possibly Omicron.
- South Crosby PS (Elgin, ON) as of Dec. 12 they had over 25 cases and is closed.
- Our health unit does not report on weekends.
Our Health Unit, as well as KFL&A, are asking people to cut back on contacts.
Dec. 11
COVID–19 cases continue to rise. It is worrisome. There are
10 new breakouts of cases in nearby Kingston, three of these are in three residences at uQueens. Public Health for Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox are checking out 105/131 possible cases of Omicron. They have 618 active cases.
Dec. 10 – big jump ↗81
He said there are now 50 people involved in a cluster that began with two people who traveled from Nigeria late last month.
Dec. 9 – big jump ↗60
Dec. 7 – up to 39
Dec. 6 – up to 37
Kingston has another 40, we have another 10 cases. PEC has 22, Cornwall 17. Ottawa 55 new cases, 20 are under age 9.
Dec. 1 – 26
November 2021November 30 – Omicron was identified. South AFrica, and other countries nearby, have been reluctant and deeply suspicious of governments. It's not just the cost and supply issues.
Nov. 26 – down to 28
Nov. 26, they identified Omicron as a new variant. It is in several places, including Germany.
Canada said that there are 500 people here from South African countries.
Nov. 1
October 2021
Latest vaxx numbers from Leeds/Grenville/Lanark are 97.5 % of residents have first dose, and 93.5 per cent have had second.
Oct. 1
September 2021
Where we are at in September
Here in Canada (population 38 million), our Prime Minister Trudeau has mandated vaccines for federal employees.
Healthcare, in Canada, is a provincial mandate and he cannot force this on Ontario (pop. 15 million), where I live. Here, 85% of eligible citizens have had one dose, 77% are fully vaxxed. In our local health unit, in southeast Ontario, we've the highest vaccination rates of all of Ontario at 92% first dose for eligible people (age 12+), 86% are fully vaxxed as of Aug. 30th.
September 2
Our new chief medical officer had some difficult messages. This thing isn't like a cold virus. We worry about our kids in school.
As children acquire this infection at a low level, they'll build natural immunity like any cold virus and it will become seasonal. How long that takes could be several years." -- Dr. Kieran Moore, CMOH, Aug 10.
August 1
Here we are in August, cases were going down, with only three in our health unit. The numbers are beginning to rise in Ontario. School begins in a few weeks. Child care centres are having issues.
July 2021
It's slowing down.
June 2021
June 2
MAY 2021
May 3
April 2021
April 2 – 87 cases, 10 cases nearby at Rideau Ferry Country Home.
March 2021
March 20
- Eastern Ontario Health Unit: 27 new cases
- Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington: 11 new cases
- Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit: 32 new cases
- Renfrew County and District Health Unit: 4 new cases
- Outaouais (Gatineau and western Quebec): 48 new cases
March 19 – 98 cases, 52 in Lanark West
February 2021 – 12 cases
December 2020
June 4
COVID–19 Lanark
April 14 , 2020
Spanish Flu 1918 |

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