#FluTruxKlan Convoy 🚚


This thread is awful

The so-called 'Truck Convoy' was being funded by GoFundMe (GFM). That has stopped. You'd hope people would run out of money. Then, the Texan Attorney General weighed in. I am shocked. Trump screwed things enough for Canadians, now it's having a huge impact on policing and human resources across the country. 

GFM was organized by a woman involved in a new political party out west. She's since quit that to run and be spokeswoman for the convoy. When one donates to GFM, you can elect to add a 'tip.' 

However, "GoFundMe still charges a 2.9% fee (plus $0.30 per donation), which the company says is used to cover the cost of credit and debit transactions." So

So, now we see where a lot of this money came from. The USA.

There is a website naming and shaming truck companies that have stormed the capital, as well as the General Idiots doing stupid things. All these trucks making noise, and running diesel fuel for heat all day and night. It stinks. It's loud.
First Nations and BIPOC groups are furious that their peaceful protests are shut down, and yet the police aren't responding. There are at least 3 reasons.

1. The sheer numbers of trucks and vehicles and angry human beings who have brought weapons.
2. The federal government cannot interfere with a provincial and local issue unless asked. Our Provincial Premier is hiding from all this. He waffled from wishing them the best, to then coming out against them when they went to Toronto.
3. Mobile fuel trucks are supporting the protestors.

4. Heavy duty tow trucks are supporting the occupation. 

They are harassing people wearing masks, BIPOC people, womenthe media, and healthcare workers.





#COVIDConvoy #TruckersForFreedom #FluTruxKlan #TruckersConvoy2022 #KarenConvoy #Ableg #Abpoli #Cdnpoli #Canpoli #Cdnpoli #cdnmedia


I hope the @OPP are investigating whether they're causing these accidents.

Twitter videoNeither @OttawaCity nor @OttawaPolice have given any explanation why they’re letting trucks camp out on Queen Elizabeth Drive.

SNipers on the roof!


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