My friend, Natrice, lives in Timmins. She posted a lovely photo which inspired me. They had snow yesterday. What a winter!
On our trip out to lunch last week; tapping and syrup season is nearly done.
🇺🇸 NOAA has had cuts to staff.
NOAA relies on 🛰 satellites, which Musk wants to take over. What could go wrong?!
That was a storm, March 16th! About 25 mm (1")
🌪Our Canadian meteorologist was explaining how this impacts Canadians. Fifteen years ago, they could predict tornados 10 minutes ahead. Now, they are up to 46 minutes warning. A lot of our weather comes from the south, i.e., Colorado Low, which we get frequently.
NOAA, for example, is not releasing weather balloons in remote areas with real time data. Predictability and accuracy relies on sustained data. Future forecasts will be less accurate.
Weather is evolving, and will sites be maintained and updated?
We had more rain late yesterday. I will have to check the front pile to see how much it might have been diminished.
...spring is always worth the wait!
Hari OM
I never understood why so many folk on a daily basis get caught up in checking the forecasts - despite clear science in explaining it, predicting it has always been as much ouija as anything. I say make your plans and include preps for all possibilities! Love your artwork... and the new header. YAM xx
Cuts to NOAA make absolutely no sense at all. We depend on them for our safety!
Sweet art Jenn!
Good question. Not likely. Lots of changes most are not for the better! Enjoy your weekend.
Are you collecting sap from your own trees?
Your sketch looks pretty, well done! Take care, have a great day!
Happy Spring! The snow fog is impressive:)
For us, it lets us know if we might have a power outage. We can't use our well without it. We keep some water to drink.
No, Lori! Our neighbours across the highway do it. They have 35 acres and a large production.
The cuts to NOAA are ridiculous. I don't know what they're thinking.
Weather forecasts are so important, hundreds of years ago people might have looked to the skies, when they could see a much further distance than we can today, with built up areas, smog , pollution and more hindering a clear view. What good can ever come from all these cuts? I can see a huge exodus to other countries from those who can do so.
NOAA will mess all of us up. Not looking forward to that. I love your drawings and the sight of the sap!
Looks like your snow is melting. Maybe your spring is near.
There will be much more pain before all this is over.
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