Thursday, 20 March 2025

Happy Spring!

🥚 🇨🇦 Canada has plenty of eggs. 🇺🇸 This is why the U.S. doesn't. They've lost 10s of millions of birds to flu. We have smaller farms, with fewer wild birds to mix with birds, our domestic chickens in barns in winter, and barns are tightly sealed for heat. Also, Canada has a supply management system, which looks after smaller farms.

Sadly, you cannot take eggs across our border. Americans are having them confiscated, seized at the border for this reason.

"Egg interceptions up 116% so far this year, while seizures of fentanyl down 32%."

🌿 Here we are, the first day of Spring. We've gone from 16 deer in the morning to zero. Once food is available, dead weeds and grasses, they are good to go. Wednesday we had 3 deer and 3 turkeys. Whilst cleaning the eaves, atop the ladder the other day, I noticed 2 turkey vultures circling. "Look alive" I said to myself. This is another sign of spring.

We've flood warnings. It's not unusual. We are good, atop the hill in the wetland. We've had a quick melt and the ground isn't thawed.

Flood Watch expanded to entire Rideau Valley
 due to lingering ice coverage

📙I am happily spending some time in the afternoons reading on the front deck in the sunshine. I've been working my way through the Hamish Macbeth novels by M.C. Beaton. They are short and sweet, and paint an interesting picture of life in YAM's part of the world! Yesterday it was 21℃. We had a plumbing emergency yesterday (story to come) and I was happy to escape the world's woes.

🦋 Good news for beleaguered Asheville and North American monarchs! Barb has been telling us about her part of the world. Poor Asheville was wrecked by flooding. This is the map showing the first Monarch appearance this year! 

Our big foreshadowing of Spring is when Butch Raccoon wakes up.

I found her on the front camera.

I had another camera out on the sidewalk.  

 I love watch them as they waddle along. They really are a pain in the butt for some people. Soon we'll put the bird feeders away, and they will be scarce.



Anvilcloud said...

Wheelers yesterday. Busy place.

DeniseinVA said...

I have been reading your posts with great interest Jenn. Thanks for all these updates. Also, great videos and I have enjoyed the Hamish McBeth series.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hamish Macbeth is perhaps not the best guide to Scottish life but it's certainly entertaining!!! There's no escaping the landscape though... Fiction couldn't make up the bonny place 🤗 YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

Cool vulture in flight shot. Great captures of Butch!
The eggs here up gone way up in price, but they do have them in the stores. Take care, have a great day!

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for your concern about our damage last fall. Fortunately bit by bit things are being repaired, and the huge amounts of debris are hauled away.

Jeanie said...

Hmmm. They never checked me at the border (well, they asked what I was bringing in and I told them some of it.) I should have brought back eggs! (I did go over my dollar limit and was worried they might pull me over but I told them at the border I bought t-shirts, some souvenir maple food and jam, and books -- all true -- and they took me at my word. I did see eggs and they were a little less than here when you took the exchange rate into consideration. They say they are coming down but haven't checked of late. That's really interesting about the chickens.

Jeanie said...

Hmmm. They never checked me at the border (well, they asked what I was bringing in and I told them some of it.) I should have brought back eggs! (I did go over my dollar limit and was worried they might pull me over but I told them at the border I bought t-shirts, some souvenir maple food and jam, and books -- all true -- and they took me at my word. I did see eggs and they were a little less than here when you took the exchange rate into consideration. They say they are coming down but haven't checked of late. That's really interesting about the chickens.

RedPat said...

Raccoons as a sign of spring. ;-)

tz_garden said...

It's so great you have these nightwatch cameras to catch everything!

Red said...

Common sense would eliminate most of the world's problems.

Jenn Jilks said...

I knew that, YAM! I just need an escape! The scenery matches photos you post.