Sunday, 9 March 2025

Lake and rivers

We had more snow on Thursday, March 6th. Only 5 cm. The sidewalk was in such good condition, too! Back to shovelling.

Our conservation authority has sent out flooding warnings. The reason is that the ground is still frozen, and it cannot absorb the quick melt water. We are good here, thankfully. We are atop a hill, with lower wetland around us. Some may have problems with water pooling around their well, or full ditches. We'll see what happens. 

 I mentioned our lunch out. The drive was good. It does look bleak, but it is beginning to warm up overall.

Boats in their coats: 

It is time to remove the ice fishing huts! Look at this memo from the OPP: 

This is what the Big Rideau looks like. 

Wild turkeys looking for sustenance.


This is a major store for farmers in our area. It is closing its Canadian stores. 😞

  Our winter lights are still going. It's a beacon in the dark. This is an example of where not to put the trailcam. The post gets a lot of light. The snow has melted some, but it is tricky walking in the forest.

I think the critter I've been tracking is Butch Raccoon!

Meantime, out front, a lone turkey. He is doing clean up in aisle 8 under the feeder.


eileeninmd said...

Pretty landscapes! I hope the lone turkey has some mates near by.

Take care, have a wonderful day and a happy week ahead.

Barbara Rogers said...

I wonder if the camera makes some slight noise that Butch kept looking right at it.