Thursday, 13 March 2025

Crumbly Acres

We've had a major melt here. About 3' of ground cover, the snow is down by half. No wonder. It was about 16 ℃. on the front deck. I sat out and read my book in the sunshine. 

The gutters were overflowing. I shoved the goldfish pond hose along it, drained it, and found debris at the far end. There is no way I can get up there right now. 

It drained well, then we had a refreeze. I pulled the hose out before bed, in the dark. It was freezing in the gutter.

Bird songs have changed. The starling is having some fun.

A foreshadowing of Spring. The red-winged blackbirds are here. Perhaps 2?

Ah, dratted gray squirrel!

Out back we've had Butch Raccoon. They snooze in the depths of winter, waking if it warms. Not a true hibernation. The newest trailcam, which took 1000s of photos, the pooched out, then began working again (?), did not capture the action. I have a new bush under the protective cover. I sorta forget what it is. I shall have to look it up!

It is lovely indoors. We woke up to - 8℃ or some such. Fetching the mail, my hand froze in my gloves. Then my arthritis kicked in. Ah, old age. 
Orchid Cactus, and my white orchid plant. Both were gifts.

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