Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Crumbly Acres critters

 My hobby is watching the critters. As with any folks in their 60s and 70s, we've health issues. They are worrisome, but not as bad as some folks. There is a lot going on in Canada, re-elected conservative premiere, new Prime Minister, a tariff war, and following our critters makes me happy. Joe likes to see my videos. We do enjoy our critters. I figure I best put these video up before the snow melts and it looks incongruous in Spring.

Butch is awake.

Cinnamon can hear the camera, I think.

The crows have been picking at the deer food on the ground. Their songs have changed, as they move into mating mode.


 This was March 2nd, prior to our melt. The starling (we seem to have had only one all winter) had a bath, and the mourning doves got ticked off!


Soon, Labbit will have lots of greens to eat and we won't see her much.


Finally, Labbit in the wee hours.


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